Leisure Painter - UK (2019 - Summer)

(Antfer) #1

http://www.painters-online.co.uk SUMMER 2019 15


Step 7
Apply more of the stronger
grey mix using the No. 10
brush to strengthen the rib of
rock on the right-hand side,
bringing it down into the mist
then softening it away.


Step 4
Once dry, wet both the whole sky
and the rocky area you have painted
using clean water and the large
squirrel mop. Still using the squirrel
mop brush, lay in nickel titanate
yellow, leaving a small gap near the
top. Pick up lavender on the squirrel
mop and lay in vertical strokes to
the right and left-hand sides of the
yellow area. Vertical strokes add to
the drama. Use an old mixing brush
to soften the lower edges of the wet
paint then allow to dry.


Step 8
Apply more of the stronger
grey mix using the No. 10
brush to strengthen the rib of
rock on the right-hand side,
bringing it down into the mist
then softening it away.


Step 3
Wet the splash area near the centre
of the picture, to the right of the
cormorant, using clean water and
the No. 14 brush then add a purple
mix of French ultramarine and
cadmium red medium hue with
the No. 10 Round brush. Add more
of the purple mix wet into wet
near the base, aiming to create a
soft edge around the splash area.


Step 5
Change to the No. 10 Round. Use a medium-strength
grey mix of French ultramarine and burnt umber to
paint in the edge of the distant cliff with the side of
the brush. Soften the bottom away. To add an area
of mist behind the cormorant, wet the base of the
mid-ground rocks with the large squirrel mop then lay
in a slightly stronger grey mix of French ultramarine
and burnt umber down the left-hand side.


Step 6
Work down into the wet area then add phthalocyanine blue wet in wet.



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