Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1

d8 Crime
3 Burglary
4 Assault
5 Smuggling
6 Kidnapping
7 Extortion
8 Counterfeiting


d12 Punishment
1 – 3 You did not commit the crime and were exonerated after being accused.

4 – 6 You committed the crime or helped do so, but nonetheless the authorities found yguilty. ou not

7 – 8 You were nearly caught in the act. You had to flee and are wanted in the community the crime occurred. where

9 –

You were caught and convicted. You spent time in jail, chained to an oar, or performing
hard labor. You served a sentence of 1d4 years or succeeded in escaping after that much

Supernatural Events

d100 Event
01 – 05 You were ensorcelled by a fey and enslaved for 1d6 years before you escaped.
06 – 10 You saw a demon and ran away before it could do anything to you.

11 – 15

A devil tempted you. Make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, your
alignment shifts one step toward evil (if it’s not evil already), and you start the game with
an additional 1d20 + 50 gp.
16 – 20 You woke up one morning miles from your home, with no idea how you got there.
21 – 30 You visited a holy site and felt the presence of the divine there.

31 – 40 You witnessed a falling red star, a face appearing in the frost, or some other bizhappening. You are certain that it was an omen of some sort. arre

41 – 50 You escaped certain death and believe it was the intervention of a god that saved you.
51 – 60 You witnessed a minor miracle.
61 – 70 You explored an empty house and found it to be haunted.

71 – 75 You were briefly possessed. Roll a d6 to determine what type of creature possessedyou: 1, celestial; 2, devil; 3, demon; 4, fey; 5, elemental; 6, undead.

76 – 80 You saw a ghost.
81 – 85 You saw a ghoul feeding on a corpse.
86 – 90 A celestial or a fiend visited you in your dreams to give a warning of dangers to come.

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