PC World - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
DECEMBER 2019 PCWorld 117

you don’t need to unearth your phone to
answer or place a call.
Assuming you’ve never used Skype
before, it can be rather fun to place and
respond to a call from your PC. I did notice
a bit of an echo or
“tunnel” effect
when responding
to callers, though
that may be
patched out over
So is Your
Phone ultimately
useful? It can be, in
the sense that an
Android watch or
Apple Watch
allows you to

surreptitiously glance at
your wrist—or in this case,
your screen—to see what
your phone is reporting. A
wearable does much
more—but that’s an
additional device and an
additional cost.
Fortunately, the most
basic functions are
probably the most useful:
the ability to see and
respond to texts and
notifications, as well as to
grab a photo from your
phone and use it quickly within a Windows
application. Those Your Phone features
are available now, via a broad range of
phones and PCs. They’re definitely worth
trying out.

Phone screen gives you remote control over your Android phone’s
screen, where you can interact with apps and the screen by clicking
and dragging with your mouse.

A bare-bones dialer app dominates the Calls section of Your Phone.
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