National Geographic History - 07.2019 - 07.2019

(Michael S) #1
Mercury, his right hand
raised, waves his caduceus
(staff with entwined
serpents) to expel
threatening clouds.

The Graces, servants of
Venus, dance intertwined.
They represent the refined
qualities of love, beauty,
and chastity.


center, Cupid fires an arrow of love at the three
Graces as they dance. To the left, Mercury shoos
away clouds from the garden. One reading of
the picture is as an allegory emphasizing a Neo-
platonist take on love and marriage, as desire is
transformed and sanctified on a higher plane.

Botticelli completed “Primavera” (Spring) in
1482 for a relative of Lorenzo de’ Medici. The
painting depicts a classical allegory, with the
action proceeding from right to left: The nymph
Chloris is seized by Zephyr and transformed into
Flora, goddess of spring. Above Venus, at the



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