The Washington Post - 14.11.2019

(Barré) #1

the washington post


thursday, november






Winter is coming, and without

an El Niño or La Niña, we could

face large swings in temperature

and precipitation. In fact, many

parts of the country have already

seen hefty snowfall. With our

unpredictable weather, odds are

that people who live in snow

zones are going to have to deal

with ice, sleet, snow or a perfect

wintry trifecta. Unless you live in

sunny climes or are car-free, it’s a

good idea to prepare your vehicle


I speak from experience — four

decades and tens of thousands of

miles navigating both Colorado’s

high country passes and the

streets of Denver in pelting sleet

and our infamous “bomb cy-

clone” this past March. In fact, I

just switched to snow tires in

anticipation of a pending storm.

Granted, it might not seem so

urgent elsewhere. Bruce Jenkins

is AAA Mid-Atlantic’s manager of

fleet club operations, overseeing

service trucks and tow vehicles.

He says D.C.-area car owners tend

to procrastinate. “We don’t have

much snow, but when we do get a

few inches or ice, then everyone

panics. It’s so much easier if

drivers prepare their car now and

do a little preventative mainte-


Where you live or travel — I’m

looking at you, snow-sport enthu-

siasts — affects what you may

need to do to your vehicle and

when. Here’s a general plan for

winterizing your car.

During the fall

Ensure your tires are proper-

ly inflated. Low tire pressure

affects braking distances and

makes a car harder to steer, and

the wild temperature swings we

see in the winter can wreak havoc

on our tires. According to Tom

Williams, Discount Tire’s senior

vice president of customer experi-

ence, for every 10 degrees the

temperature drops, tires lose one

pound of pressure per square

inch. During a cold snap, your

vehicle’s tire pressure-monitor-

ing system light could start flash-

ing on your dash. Head to your

local tire store or, if you are a

DIYer, consider buying a portable

electric air pump from an auto-

supply or home-improvement

store. You can find your vehicle’s

recommended tire pressure on a

placard on the driver-side door-


Perform the penny test. Tire

tread depth is critical to stopping

ability. The easiest way to check it

is using the “penny test,” Williams

says. Insert an upside-down pen-

ny into several grooves of your

tires. If you can see all Lincoln’s

head, then your tread depth is less

than^2 / 32 of an inch, and your tires

need to be replaced.

Decide if you want winter

tires. Unless you live in a region

prone to prolonged periods of ice

and snow or plan to drive to such

areas, all-season tires should suit

you fine. For those facing months

of temperatures below 45 de-

grees, a second set of winter tires

makes sense. Winter tires contain

thousands of edges for a biting

grip, and the rubber remains pli-

able in cold weather to improve

stopping distance and traction,

Williams says. They run $125 to

$150 per tire, but by swapping

them for your all-weathers after

six months, you extend the life of

both sets. Even if you aren’t going

to buy snow tires, replace worn-

out tires in the fall. Newer tires

will have more tread, and more

tread equals greater traction.

Plus, tire stores typically hold fall

sales, so you may save a few


Go under the hood. When the

weather turns cold, oils and other

engine fluids thicken. That

means the battery needs more

oomph to start an engine, so

you’ll want to pop the hood and

check the charge. At the same

time, inspect belts and hoses for

any cracks or breaks. (Local car

care shops will often do a free

winter car check, testing the bat-

tery and inspecting your car’s

fluids, filters, hoses and wipers.)

Check the label on your wind-

shield wiper fluid to ensure it is

rated for winter, usually to minus-

20 degrees. I accidentally left

“summer” wiper fluid in my car

once, only to have it freeze solid.

Now, I set it for winter year-


Pull out the owner’s manual.

What’s worse than having to pull

off the road during a whiteout

because your windshield wipers

are covered with snow? Not being

able to clean off the wipers. Some

higher-end cars “hide” wind-

shield wipers in a well so the car is

more aesthetically pleasing. I can

tell you from personal experi-

ence, though the car may look

pretty, it’s awful to have to figure

out how to get the wipers up and

away from the windshield (into

what is called “maintenance

mode”) in a snowstorm. It may

involve pushing buttons or turn-

ing dials in a specific sequence.

Grab your owner’s manual in

advance and practice how to ac-

cess your wipers, pop the hood or

refill the wiper fluid well.

Mix up your own ice breaker.

This winter hack, which really

works, comes from Knoxville,

Tenn., TV weatherman Ken

Weathers (yes, that’s his real

name). Fill a spray bottle with

one-third part water and two-

thirds parts 91 percent isopropyl

alcohol to create your own ice-

melting solution. Because the

freezing point of rubbing alcohol

is so low, it breaks up the ice

almost instantly, and you can

keep this spray bottle in your car

to use anytime. The diluted alco-

hol shouldn’t hurt your wipers,

just try to keep it off painted


During the winter

Start your car’s engine regu-

larly. If you aren’t driving your

car on a regular basis, start the

engine every few days. If it’s really

cold — say around or below freez-

ing — start it daily. Today’s vehi-

cles have all sorts of processes

running even when the engine is

off — a digital clock, security

system, Bluetooth. They may not

seem like much, but together they

present a small, constant drain on

your car’s battery. You don’t want

to really need your car only to find

a dead battery. Prefer to park it

and forget it? Consider a drip

charger, which plugs into an elec-

trical outlet and is connected to

your battery to maintain the

charge. They run about $40 to

$50 and are easy to use.

De-ice more easily. Should you

wake up to your car covered in ice

or snow, “Let the car do the work

for you,” Jenkins says. “Start your

car, turn the defrosters on high,

wait several minutes, then start

to scrape off any ice.” This is also

the perfect time to use your

home-brewed ice breaker. Don’t

turn on your wipers until the ice

is melted. Use a good plastic

scraper. Avoid metal ones as they

may scratch the windshield and


Remove all snow. Not just

from the hood, windows and

sides, but the top, too. If you leave

inches of snow on top of your car,

when you drive off it could break

up and blow into the car behind

you or slide onto your windshield

when you come to a stop. One of

the easiest tools for clearing your

car is an extension brush (about

$15 or less). Some telescope out to

four feet and compact down for

easy storage. A soft bristle model

won’t scratch your paint. Even if

you park in a garage, take a

moment to spray a bit of window

cleaner onto a paper towel and

wipe off any dirt or grime from

your rear camera so you can see

clearly when you put the car in


Find a good carwash. Those

liquid chemicals that crews spray

on highways and thoroughfares

to reduce ice and melt snow are

not your car’s friend once the

asphalt is clear. After every storm

in which you drive on treated

roads, visit a carwash that washes

the top and sides and sprays

underneath the chassis and into

the wheel wells. That should help

prevent corrosion.

[email protected]

Denver-based writer Laura Daily

specializes in consumer advocacy

and travel strategies. Find her at

Winter is coming. It’s time to prepare your car for the cold.

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