side stretch
Intense side stretch pose, or Parsvottanasana, is a great way to
get to know your body’s imbalances. Rosa Santana guides you
through this important lengthening and rebalancing posture
arsvottanasana means intense stretch pose to the side.
This is a really great pose to get to know your body and
its imbalances! It’s the perfect pose that connects and
can improve other poses. Many times, when I studied
with Geeta Iyengar, she would have us work in this
pose. She used to say this was an important pose. Over the years,
this pose has brought me great understanding in Dog pose, and
many of the asymmetrical poses. Having one side that is so firm
and strong, and perhaps another that is less elastic, makes for an
interesting inward inquiry.
Physically, the pose makes the legs, hips, spine, wrists and
shoulders more elastic. When the head is down, the abdominal organs
are toned. This pose is also great for improving postural defects. When
the shoulders are drawn well back, breathing is improved.
The way the pose is presented here, there is a stage for everyone
to begin the investigation of this important asana.
om body
1 Adho Mukha Svanasana /
Downward Facing Dog Pose
(With Blocks Under Heels)
The blocks here help to raise the pelvis to achieve
more length in the spine. Raise the balls of the
feet to send the femurs back. Helps to strengthen
the legs.