
(Axel Boer) #1


n this standing pose your body stretches
sideways over your front leg, which is bent to a
right angle.
As you laterally flex and rotate your torso, enjoy
feeling a single stretch and extension from the
outer ankle of your back foot all the way to the fingertips
of your upper hand.

The benefits of this pose:
l Strengthens and stretches your legs, ankles, hips
and shoulders.
l Stretches your groin, chest and shoulders.
l Develops confidence and focus.

l Knee, ankle and back injuries can be exacerbated by
this pose.
l Use appropriate modifications and seek expert 1:1
advice if necessary.
l If you have a knee injury, try decreasing the bend of
the knee.
l For lower back injuries, try placing your lower arm on
the thigh of your bent leg.
l If you have high blood pressure, try practicing with
your hands on your hips.
l If you have any neck discomfort or injury, keep
your gaze directed towards the ground or look
straight ahead.
l Avoid this pose if you are suffering from headaches
or migraines.

l Place a yoga block under your lower hand and rest
your upper hand on your hip.

Bound Extended Side Angle Pose (Baddha Utthita
Parsvakonasana) will open your chest and shoulders
whilst improving your balance. Start in Utthita
Parsvakonasana. Bend your elbows, take your upper arm
behind your back and your lower arm under your bent
leg and behind your back. Clasp your upper wrist with
your lower wrist, interlace your fingers or hold onto a
yoga strap. Broaden across your collarbones. Open and
lift your chest. Align your upper shoulder above your
lower shoulder. Turn your head and look up.

A 360º overview of...

Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

With Dr Kiki Morriss

Extended Side Angle pose strengthens and stretches
your legs, ankles, hips and shoulders.

om body

l Stand with your feet about 120-135cm apart, with your arms stretched to
the sides at shoulder height. Turn your right leg 90 degrees out and your
left foot about 15-30 degrees in.
l On an exhalation, bend your right knee to a right angle and bend your
upper body sideways towards your right leg.
l Place your right hand on the outer edge of your right foot with your fingers
pointing in the same direction as your toes. Press your hand down.
l Reach your left arm over your head with your upper arm over your left
ear and your palm facing down.

l Your dristi (focal point) is at your raised hand. Use your gaze to help
steady you in the pose.
l If you lose your balance or if it is more comfortable for your neck, try
gazing at a fixed point on the ground or straight ahead of you.

l As you reach your raised arm over your head, turn it in its socket so the
inner upper arm is facing your ear and your palm is facing the ground.
l Straighten your elbow using your triceps.
l Extend through your arm, wrist, hand and fingers.
l Keep your fingers together and your hand in line with your arm.
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