Time International - 25.11.2019

(Jeff_L) #1


The deportation
of ISIS members
to their home
countries, unless
Western nations
stop sanctioning
Turkey, on Nov.
12 by Turkish
President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan.

Sixty Starlink
satellites, by
SpaceX, on
Nov. 11, raising
concerns among
astronomers about
whether crowded
skies might
threaten research.

In favor of building a
Hindu temple on the
site of a demolished
mosque in Ayodhya,
by India’s Supreme
Court, on Nov. 9.
The mosque’s 1992
destruction sparked
religious violence
that left 2,
people, mostly
Muslims, dead.

Pete Alonso of the
New York Mets, as
National League
Rookie of the Year,
on Nov. 11.

Former President
Jimmy Carter, 95,
on Nov. 11. He
under went surgery
to reduce pressure
on his brain.

That Instagram
will try hiding “like”
tallies for some U.S.
users, by company
head Adam Mosseri,
on Nov. 8.

An Iowa inmate’s
claim that after he
“momentarily died”
and was resusci-
tated at a hospital,
he’d completed his
life sentence for
murder, by a state
appeals court.

Le Mesurier talks to the media in 2015 during
a training exercise in Turkey, where he lived

James Le Mesurier
Humanitarian pioneer

aS a briTiSh army officer Serving in norThern irelanD
and the Balkans, James Le Mesurier saw what can happen to ci-
vilians in conflict zones. So in 2014, he founded a humanitarian
group, Mayday Rescue, to help build emergency-response ca-
pacity in such places—in part by training Syria’s White Helmets,
who’ve been credited with saving thousands of lives there.
The White Helmets, officially known as Syria Civil Defense,
gained renown in 2016, when an Oscar-winning documentary
showed volunteers targeted by airstrikes as they carried out dar-
ing search-and-rescue missions. In the miasma of Syria’s com-
plex war—as the government attacked civilians, rebels coagulated
under jihadist banners, and foreign states threw their weight be-
hind disparate militias—the sight of ordinary Syrians risking their
lives to drag babies from the rubble offered a glimmer of hope.
That year, Queen Elizabeth awarded Le Mesurier an Order of the
British Empire for his service to Syrian civilians.
The 48-year-old was found dead near his Istanbul apartment
on Nov. 11, per Turkish state media, which reported that police
believed he may have fallen to his death. Only days earlier, Russia
had escalated a disinformation campaign accusing him of being a
U.K. intelligence agent with terrorist connections. The White Hel-
mets say they are neutral, but Moscow claims the group is a West-
ern propaganda tool. As speculation swirled about the circum-
stances of his death, former colleagues focused on Le Mesurier’s
tireless work ethic, compassion, charisma and, as the White Hel-
mets put it in a statement, his humanitarian efforts that “Syrians
will always remember.” —joSeph hinckS



Bernard J. Tyson
Health visionary
even afTer he reacheD
the peak of corporate
achievement, as CEO of one
of the largest health care and
insurance companies in the
U.S., Bernard Tyson never
forgot where he began. He
frequently credited his fa-
ther, a preacher and carpen-
ter, with seeding the strong
sense of justice he brought to
his leadership of Kaiser Per-
manente, based in Oakland,
Calif. After Tyson’s sudden
death in his sleep, on Nov. 10
at 60, health-industry lead-
ers mourned the loss of “a
passionate leader,” “a keen
mind” and “a good friend
and trusted peer.”
Under Tyson’s tenure,
Kaiser became a model for
innovative ways to improve
access to care. He rose to
CEO in 2013, a year before
the Affordable Care Act
was implemented, and re-
mained a staunch supporter
of the law’s mission to ex-
pand health care access for
the under- and uninsured. At
the recent TIME 100 Health
Summit, he was resolute
about continuing that mis-
sion. “If we are going to focus
on affordability, we have to
all be in,” he said. “We all
have to work together to cre-
ate a different kind of value
proposition that is going to
make care more affordable.”
—alice park


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