The New Yorker - 25.11.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1




Privately, the president had often talked about
fortifying a border wall with a water-filled
trench, stocked with snakes or alligators.
—The Times.
General Service Agreement
(the “Agreement”)
Dated this October 3, 2019
United States Government
Alligators & Snakes


  1. The U.S. Government is of the
    opinion that Alligators & Snakes have
    the necessary qualifications, experience,
    and abilities to provide services to the
    U.S. Government.

  2. Alligators & Snakes are amena-
    ble to providing such services to the
    U.S. Government under the terms and
    conditions set forth in this Agreement.

described above and of the mutual
benefits and obligations set forth in this
Agreement, the U.S. Government and
Alligators & Snakes agree as follows:

Services Provided

  1. The U.S. Government hereby agrees
    to engage Alligators & Snakes to pro-
    vide the U.S. Government with services
    consisting of: scaring the bejesus out of
    any persons who come near them.

  2. The U.S. Government may also
    request other services, which both par-
    ties must agree on. Alligators & Snakes
    hereby agree to perform such tasks for
    the U.S. Government with the under-
    standing that Alligators & Snakes are
    indemnified from any and all injuries
    sustained; expenses incurred; or loss of
    life, limbs, liberty, happiness, abilities,
    earrings, shoes, electronics, etc.


  1. The U.S. Government is respon-
    sible for all moving expenses of Alli-
    gators & Snakes to water-filled trench.
    (For the purposes of this document,
    water-filled trench will be referred to
    as “Moat.”) Moat must be outfitted as
    outlined in Residency Contract (Ap-
    pendix A), with accessible sunning
    areas on sides and rim. Alligators &
    Snakes (and any subcontracted Croc-
    odiles) can bask for up to six (6) hours
    on partially sunny days and up to but
    not more than ten (10) hours on full-
    sun days.

  2. The U.S. Government agrees to
    deliver all the garbage from Disney
    World (especially partially eaten giant
    turkey legs) to Moat, and said garbage
    will be distributed along its length.

  3. The U.S. Government also agrees
    to provide weekly deliveries of mem-
    bers of the House of Representatives
    (either party), the combined weight of

such members not to be less than six
hundred (600) U.S. pounds.


  1. Alligators & Snakes will not be
    held accountable by relations, friends,
    or representatives of people whom the
    U.S. Government does not expressly
    want to be eaten, but who might be
    eaten anyway. These include but are
    not limited to: U.S. Border Patrol
    agents, campaigning politicians, drunk
    teen-agers, and/or thrill-seekers.

  2. Alligators & Snakes are not re-
    quired to consume a quota of humans
    per day, week, or annum. It is under-
    stood that Alligators & Snakes are a
    symbolic deterrent.


  1. Upon the expiry of this Agree-
    ment, Alligators & Snakes will return
    to the U.S. Government any objects,
    records, or confidential information
    that is the property of the U.S. Gov-
    ernment. Unless it was eaten.

  2. Alligators & Snakes will retain
    ownership of any copyrighted works,
    ideas, inventions, and products, includ-
    ing but not limited to: T-shirts, sun-
    glasses, and beverage coolers with like-
    nesses of Alligators & Snakes (and any
    subcontracted Crocodiles).


  1. It is expressly agreed that Alliga-
    tors & Snakes are acting as indepen-
    dent contractors and not as employees
    of the U.S. Government. This Agree-
    ment does not create a partnership or
    joint venture between Alligators &
    Snakes and the U.S. Government.

Dispute Resolution

  1. In the event that a dispute arises,
    the parties in this Agreement will at-
    tempt to resolve it through amicable
    consultation (unless one party is eaten).

U.S. Government
Alligators & Snakes

Witnessed by:
Crocodiles 

Government Contract


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