afterlife, 17, 45-46
aion (aeon), 121-126
Akiva, Rabbi, 115
"all in all," God as, 89, 142-143, 158,
161, 164, 193-195
analogy, understanding of God
angels, 39-40
annihilation of evildoers, as substi-
tute for eternal hell, 86-87, 194
antecedent will/cause, 70, 82, 187
apocalyptic literature, 107, 111, 120
apokatastasis (salvation and recon-
ciliation), 66
Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings of
the Fathers), 9
Apostolic Fathers, 118
Aquinas, Thomas, 47, 71, 78, 146,
Aristotle, 178
Athanasius of Alexandria, 26-27
Augustine of Hippo and Augus-
tinian tradition, 1, 41, 49, 76, 89,
199; The City of God, 166-167
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 66, 102
Barth, Karl, 128
Basil of Caesarea (Basil the Great),
1-2, 123
being, 20, 42, 165, 181-183
belief. See faith/belief
biblicism, 92
bodhisattvas, 14-15
body: of Christ, 68, 141, 143, 151,
153, 155, 162; spiritual, 153
Bulgakov, Sergei, 154, 195
Calvin, John, and Calvinism, 29,
48-52, 76-77, 81, 138, 199; Insti-
tutes, 48, 51, 61
Carroll, Lewis, 8
Catholicism, 29
causality, 69-70
Certeau, Michel de, 153
Christ: body of, 68, 141, 143, 151,
153, 155, 162; early Christians'
conception of, 205-206; escha-
tological role of, 89; on final
judgment, 93, 110-111, 115-117,
119, 128; and God's nature, 53,