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40 Spotlight 13/2019 LANGUAGE
Game of moans
Sind Sie enttäuscht, genervt, frustriert? Dann geht es Ihnen ähnlich
wie den Organisatoren unserer „Game-of-Thrones“-Party. Glücklicherweise
hat VANESSA CLARK die wichtigsten Wörter und Wendungen parat,
um sich angemessen zu beschweren.
BO’s epic
fantasy series
Game of Thrones
(GoT) came to an end
with the final season
this year, but some fans just can’t let go.
“Winter is coming” — and what better
time to have some Westeros-style fun?
Meet Cory and Natasha. They’re big fans
of Game of Thrones and they
are planning a theme party
to celebrate Cory’s 30th birth-
day. They won’t be travelling to the
Seven Kingdoms, but they’re planning to
turn their small English home into their
own Casterly Rock. Will everything go
smoothly, or will there be epic trials for
our brave duo?
conqueror [(kQNkErE]
, Eroberer, Eroberin
epic [(epIk]
, monumental, lang und
HBO [)eItS bi: (EU]
, US-amerikanischer
Fe r n s e h p ro g r a m m-
season [(si:z&n]
, Staffel
theme party
[)Ti:m (pA:ti]
, Mottoparty
trial [(traIEl]
, Prüfung, Widrigkeit