clude decorative crown molding,
columns and fanlights. Weinstein
worked with the original owner to
design a home that reflected its
location but also worked for mod-
was hired to transform the build-
ing into a single-family h ouse.
“Like with any other large-scale
renovation, the main goal in my
mind was to maintain as much of
the existing structure as possible
yet turn it into a dwelling that
makes sense for somebody who
lives there,” Weinstein s aid.
The way the stairs were built
dictated some of Weinstein’s de-
sign, though he flipped the open-
ing and made them curved. The
curved stairs are one of the period
touches in the house. Others in-
burg and at the University of Vir-
ginia, according to documents
filed with the Alexandria Board of
Architectural Review. A brochure
from 1963 described the complex
as “11 buildings laid out to simu-
late a colonial estate.” The regis-
tration building was modeled af-
ter the 1782 Benjamin Waller
House i n Williamsburg.
In 2003, the motor lodge was
demolished to make way for the
condominiums, but the registra-
tion building was preserved. Rock-
ville architect Kenneth Weinstein
Joe MuscAtello/Houselens
The house at 1011 N. Washington St. in Alexandria began as a motel
registration building, modeled after a 17 82 house in Williamsburg.
ern living.
“It sort of made sense to main-
tain [a traditional style] but still
honor today’s lifestyle where
there’s much visually open space,”
he said.
The conversion of the building
was so complete that the Gables
weren’t aware of its previous use
until after they bought the house
in 2013.
“Unless someone were to tell you
that, you would never know,” Karen
said. “The bones of the house are
really beautiful. I just fell in love
with the way the house looks.”
The duality of an urban setting
with advantages usually associat-
ed with suburban living appealed
to the Gables.
“We like the fact that we’re in
Old To wn but we have a fenced-in
area,” Brad said. “I can let my dog
out and n ot worry about it.”
“It’s a very unusual property f or
Old To wn,” K aren added.
The four-bedroom, five-bath-
room, 6,900-square-foot house is
listed a t just under $3 m illion. The
monthly homeowners association
dues a re $752.
[email protected]
Having lived on eight acres,
Brad and Karen Gable were ready
for a house with a lot less yard-
work. They wanted to live in the
Old To wn Alexandria area and
were drawn to historical houses
with character, but they were
turned off by those with low ceil-
ings, narrow stairs and no g arage.
This 2004 single-family house,
part o f the L iberty R ow condomini-
um c omplex, fulfilled t heir wishes.
“We came from the country,”
Brad said. “We came here, and we
said, ‘This house is like our other
house, and yet we’re still in Old
To wn w ith a two-car g arage.’ It w as
the best of b oth worlds for u s. Plus,
with a condominium, it was defi-
nitely a benefit because we don’t
have to mess around with the out-
side work.”
The house’s attachment to a
condominium complex is not its
only unusual aspect. It once was
the registration building for the
Old Colony Motor L odge. The mo-
tel, built in 1960, was designed by
Charles A. Pearson to imitate
buildings in Colonial Williams-
Alexandria Colonial has an unusual, roundabout pedigree
10 11 n. WasHington st.,
alexandria, Va.
$3 million
Features: the 2004 house was
once the registration building for
the old colony Motor lodge. the
living room has tray ceilings and a
gas fireplace. the master suite has
a coffered ceiling and a mini-
refrigerator. the lower level has a
wet bar, media room and 1,100-
bottle wine cellar. A two-car garage
is attached. Monthly homeowners
associate dues are $752.
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 4 /5
approximate square-footage:
listing agents: Anne Albright and
Denise Kempton, century 21
Redwood Realty
For more photos of this house
and other houses for sale in the area,
go to estate.
House of the Week