2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1



Find a moment or two of calm with a little help from Ricola


Ricola sweets are available to
buy online at ricola.com and
ocado.com and in store from the
confectionery aisle at Holland &
Barrett, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s,
WHSmith, Morrisons, independent
health food stores and pharmacies.

Create your own
fragrant herbal
bath salts at home:

5 minutes

  • 1.5kg dead sea salt

  • 40g mixed dried herbs,
    such as mallow leaves,
    blossom, cowslip, plantain

  • 10 drops each of
    essential oils, such as
    peppermint, eucalyptus,
    lavender, lemon

  • Storage jar
    Place the salt in a bowl
    and mix in the herbs.
    Next, add the essential oils
    and mix well. Spoon the
    herbal bath salts into one
    or more airtight storage
    jars. When you’re ready
    to use, simply add a cupful
    of the bath salts to your
    bathwater for a relaxing
    bathing experience.


ith our hectic schedules,
sometimes it can be hard
to find the time to relax
and unwind. Small moments of calm,
peppered throughout your day can end
up making a big difference though –
even something as simple as taking a
minute or two out to enjoy a comforting
Ricola herbal sweet.
From intoxicating sage and
peppermint, to soothing mallow and
elderflower, Ricola contains a unique
blend of 13 Swiss-grown herbs. Emil
Richterich, the company’s founder,
created this signature blend 80 years
ago with wellbeing in mind – growing
the herbs in the fresh pure air of the
Swiss mountains.
Fast-forward to today and Ricola are
just as committed to the wellbeing of
people and the planet. Available in
handy pocket-sized packs in a variety
of naturally refreshing sugar-free
flavours including zesty LemonMint,
Elderflower, Mountain Mint, Herbal

Caramel and Cranberry, it really
couldn’t be easier to reach for a moment
of calm with Ricola.

Of course, there are lots of little ways
you can reset each day. Take the
humble bath. There’s nothing quite as
rejuvenating as sinking into a warm
bath at the end of the day. And, as the
evenings grow longer, soaking in the
tub with your favourite page-turner is
the perfect way to relax and unwind.
Next time, why not make it a real
self-care moment by adding your own
sweet-smelling herbal bath salts?
Ricola knows all about the calming
properties of herbs, so who better to
come up with a quick and easy way
to make herbal bath salts for a lovely
spa experience at home. Try making
some now and indulge in a self-made
moment of calm.


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