2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1


hen there’s a decision to be made,
such as where to book dinner or
which top to buy, do you
obsessively read reviews, seek
everyone else’s opinion and
question your own choice, (if you actually made one,
that is)? Now think about what happens when life
doesn’t go according to plan. Are you more likely to
take control and find a way forward by forging your
own path, or is your default response a little more
damsel in distress? Making your own choices, taking
responsibility and flexing your independence are all
tell-tale signs of how self-reliant you really are.
Life is full of decisions to be made and settling on
a final answer can bring up a lot of fear. While it’s
important to have a trusted person or a network of
people in your life who love you, support you and look
out for your best interests, over-relying on the
resources of others can cheat you out of the chance
to draw upon your own strengths. Being driven by the
need to seek input, approval, or even the permission
of someone else before making your next move calls
your self-reliance into question and signals there’s
work to do if you want to stand on your own two feet.

There’s a lot to be gained from owning your own
choices and striving for independence in different
areas of your life, including greater self-esteem and
a deep sense of satisfaction. When you’re self-reliant,
you believe you have the skills and resources to
handle whatever comes your way. You’re confident in
the choices you make and actions you take, accepting
responsibility for their outcome. Accomplishment
comes when things work out well, and if they don’t,
you trust yourself to move through the challenge in
your own way with the freedom to fix it.
When it comes to your future, someone who is self-
reliant will have the final say. Knowing that the
decision is theirs is empowering. For others, this level
of responsibility seems daunting and comfort comes
only from knowing another person is heavily invested
and choosing your next steps with you, or even
making a decision on your behalf.
Wherever you sit on the self-reliance scale –
whether you prefer to fly solo, or expect to be saved
from your struggles – a sense of balance can help you
to be both self-reliant and well supported at the same
time. The most independent people are less likely to
be rendered helpless, but they do tend to rely on

How to become

more self-reliant

Learning to rely on ourselves can help

us find independence and the strength

which comes with it, says Annika Rose


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