2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1



Combine the flour, salt, oil and oat
milk in a bowl to make a soft dough.
Sprinkle the work surface with flour,
turn out the dough and knead for a few
minutes until it’s smooth. Add another
teaspoon or two of flour if it is too sticky.


Wrap the dough in a tea towel
and let it rest in the fridge for about
30 minutes.


Dust the work surface with flour
again. Cut your dough into four even
pieces, roll into balls, then roll out into thin
rounds (about 0.5cm [¼in] thick).


Spread the oil evenly across a
non-stick frying pan and set over
a medium heat. Place one flatbread in
the pan. It will puff up on one side and
when it does, flip it and cook the other
side. If it puffs up too much, pat it gently
to break the air bubble. You are looking
for golden brown spots on both sides.
Keep flipping until you are happy. Use
your fingers as well as a spatula for the
process. It should take around 2 minutes
to cook each flatbread.


Stack the cooked bread on a plate
as you make the rest and keep a tea
towel to hand to cover the bread and
trap in the heat.

Recipe note: You can make flatbread in
advance and freeze them. Ensure they are
completely cool and pat them with kitchen
paper to ensure the surface is dry. Stack
them in a freezeproof container, layered
with baking paper, and place them in the
freezer. When you want to use some,
remove them from the freezer to thaw.
Preheat the oven to 150°C/130°C Fan/Gas
Mark 2, then add a drop or two of water to
each flatbread and place in the oven for
about 10 minutes to warm.

the foundations of fear, shame and self-
loathing. Rather, they are built on our
humility, empathy, wonder, compassion
and, the favourite ingredient which
connects them all – love.
I stay energised by reminding myself
we are living in a world in transition.
The changes required to build
regenerative systems (economic,
energy, food and transport) are much
bigger than I am. Collectively we need
to stop fearing and feeding systems
that do not serve us or the life on
which we depend. Transformation will
result from the accumulation of a
multitude of seemingly small actions. Yet,
we must push the transition towards a
more equitable world for all forms of
life, without fostering unrealistic


Archaeobotanists have discovered
that flatbread is a staple of human
vitality that predates the agricultural
revolution. As early as 14,400 years
ago, nomadic hunter-gatherers
were making flatbread. Imagine
foraging for wild cereals, de-husking
them, grinding them with stones,
mixing them with water, kneading
bread and baking it on hot stones
over an open fire.


300g (10½oz) plain flour, plus extra
for dusting
½ tsp salt
50ml (2fl oz) olive oil
185ml (6½fl oz) oat milk
1 tbsp vegetable oil, for cooking


Heather Thomas is
co-creator of The
Mindful Kitchen, which
began as a pop-up
eatery in Copenhagen,
Denmark, and now
offers food workshops
with a unique approach
to nature, sustainability
and food. She shares her
time between London
and Copenhagen.



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