
(Jacob Rumans) #1

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JULES EVANS (1977) is a
British author, speaker
and philosopher. His first
book, ‘Philosophy for Life
and Other Dangerous
Situations: Ancient
Philosophy for Modern
Problems’, was published
in 2012 and is about how
ancient philosophy saved
his life. It has now been
published in nineteen
countries. His second book,
‘The Art of Losing Control:
A Philosopher’s Search for
Ecstatic Experience’,
followed in 2017.




can build connections: with each
other, with nature, with the cosmos.
There are risks involved: any kind
of ecstasy can be addictive and
unhealthy. People can fall completely
under the sway of drugs, but also of
cults or religions. That’s why I believe
that every society needs to find
healthy ways to experience ecstasy
and to lose control temporarily, such
as through art, music, dance or sports.

You have now studied both sides
of humanity, the rational and the
ecstatic. Which side do you like
the most?
The trick is to find a balance. The
ecstasy of Dionysus, the Greek god of
wine, intoxication and drunkenness,
is brought into balance with the
rationality and reflections of Socrates.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s not an
either/or, but an and/and. Our culture
places very high demands on us: we

have to look good, we must be
achievers, be successful and keep
our emotions in check. But so much
self-control is pretty tiring, and that’s
why it’s good to occasionally lose
yourself and lose control. If you don’t
do that, you’ll end up depleted. In my
first book, I wanted to introduce
people to ancient Greek philosophy
and show its many benefits. In The
Art of Losing Control, I write about
how we also have a very different side
and that it’s good to be open to that
too. In any case, the books have
already helped me be much more
familiar with both sides of myself: the
skeptical, Stoic side and the mystical,
ecstatic side. And as a result, I feel
much more complete as a person. I
hope the same for the people who
read my books; that they can flourish
more and suffer less in their lives.
Because that’s what it’s all about for
me in the end.
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