InStyle USA - 11.2019

(Marcin) #1


LB: Worse than an audition?

EF: Oh, auditions, I can’t [do them]—I mean, obviously, sure,

I can, but they make me so nervous. I fainted in an audition

once. It was with Jessica Chastain. I didn’t get the part.

LB: You literally just fell down in front of people?

EF: I was young, but, yeah, I fell down in front of people. It was

very odd. There were glaring lights, and I felt so hot. I fainted

in Cannes this year too. Fainting is something I do. I was on

my period. It was such a crazy feeling. It honestly happened

at the best moment because I wasn’t on the red carpet. Could

you imagine? That would have been kind of epic, though.

LB: She’s so Best Dressed that she fell down. Aside from

that, how was being on the grand jury in Cannes? You

killed it on the red carpet.

EF: I was there the whole time, two weeks. It was intense. You

also have to watch the films and be serious about it. Cannes is

the biggest red carpet in the world and is the moment that you

can kind of pull out all the stops with the clothes. My stylist

[Samantha McMillen] and I didn’t have that much time to

plan, probably a month. We went to different designers, and I

had the idea about the Dior, complete with the hat.

LB: That was your idea?

EF: Yes! It was one of my favorite things I’ve worn. I love

feeling confident in what I’m wearing. You can tell when

somebody is forced into something.

LB: What was it like walking in the Miu Miu show last year?

EF: Oh! That was crazy! I was so nervous. It wasn’t a

planned thing. I was attending any way, and then Mrs.

Prada had that idea. Her team said, “You’re starting the

show, so you have to be very serious.” The whole theme

was rockabilly-grunge. I tried to keep a straight face, but

that’s not my go-to. I was cracking up.

LB: You’re young and visible, so how do you handle when

people ask you to be politically engaged publicly?

EF: Sometimes I feel like I don’t know all the information.

Like, am I qualified to speak on this? But I also think it’s

OK for people to say that they don’t know or aren’t sure yet.

Angelina [Jolie] said that to me after a recent interview

we did for Maleficent 2. She said, “You know what? It’s OK

not to answer things.” I mean, I’m still learning.

LB: You’re 21 now. What was your first official beverage?

EF: I think it was a martini at Craig’s [in L.A.]. I loved it,

except they didn’t give me my olives. I love olives. We had

dinner there. Then we went to karaoke in Koreatown, and

we drank a lot.

LB: So proud. Who was there, and what did you wear?

EF: I wore a dress from For Love & Lemons. It was long-

sleeve and pink with a heart. Dakota was there. [Rodarte

designer] Laura Mulleavy was there. [Film director]

Gia Coppola was there.

LB: Now that you’re getting older, what are you ambitious for?

EF: Oh, man, I’m ambitious for a lot of things. I love game

shows and want to create one. All I watch is Game Show Net-

work. I love America Says, Idiotest, Chain Reaction, Family

Feud. I don’t know exactly what my show would be, but I

really want to do that. I want to direct something, maybe

sing a country album. I love Johnny Cash, so I could possibly

do a cover album. And a clothing line.

LB: You also have a very fancy L’Oréal contract. What’s

your idea of “worth”?

EF: My mom, my sister, my grandmother, and I, we all live

together. So, there is a strong sense of female empowerment

that I’ve always had in my life. It’s significant to know that

there are so many different types of women. I hate that in

order to be strong you have to look like this or to be soft you

have to look like this. Those stereotypes are just not true.

My worth is knowing I can be anything. In Maleficent I play a

princess [Aurora] who is strong in being completely feminine

and isn’t afraid of that feeling. It’s a quality I also have. And,

obviously, this version is different from the first one.

I’m not fighting with a sword just so I can be stronger.

LB: To be worthy.

EF: Yes, exactly.

LB: I read that you’re a cousin of Kate Middleton.

Have you interacted or gotten in touch with her?

EF: That came from somebody doing an

[search] on me and my sister, but no. [laughs] I’ve

never met any of them. She probably doesn’t even

know who I am.

LB: Are you obsessed with the royal family, like

everyone else in the world seems to be?

EF: I’m in London a lot, so I feel like I’m in the know, and I

do read the Daily Mail. [ laug h s]

LB: Click bait! Last one. What did you learn from working

with Angelina and Michelle [Pfeiffer] on Maleficent 2?

EF: When I heard that Michelle was going to be in the film,

I realized that the second movie is going to be about power.

It’s about three generations of women in power and how

they represent it in different ways. And, with Angelina,

I was so young when I did the first film with her. I was very

nervous then. My mom was with me. Now that I’m grown

up, she sees me in a different way. We talked about different

things. We went paintballing.

LB: Are you an aggressive paintballer? Is she?

EF: Oh, she’s aggressive. [laughs] We would do outings

because her kids were there, so she was trying to schedule

activities on the weekends. I had never gone paintballing

before. We were in full-on armor. We were the only people

in the place, with all of her kids. She and I were not on the

same team. I was so bad. I hit their security guard in the neck,

and he was on my team! [laughs] Angelina’s really good.

LB: I mean, I’ve seen Salt. She’s a trained assassin.

EF: Totally. I was good at hiding. I would just hide. n

“I love feeling confident

in what I’m wearing. You

can tell when somebody

is forced into something.”
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