Architects Datafile - 11.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Sustainable solutions with pedigree

Over 3 decades of wedi excellence in
creating a wellness oasis within the home.

Flexible like life itself
Even with the most farsighted planning, the unexpected
can happen - the versatility of wedi products allows for
subsequent changes with little effort.

wedi quality is a certainty

Practically indestructible, thermally insulating and
waterproof to the core - the use of wedi systems

whilst also drastically reducing the amount of time
needed for the project.

Plan green, think blue

Manufactured with 100% renewable energy and
25% recycled material, wedi products have their own
Environmental Product Declarations - furthermore they
are also lightweight and produce very little dust when
worked on thus provide a safe working environment.

wedi lasts - for decades
A bathroom that you cannot part with: a bathroom
for life has sustainability written all over it.

wedi Systems (UK) Ltd.  0161 864 2336  [email protected]

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