DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1




Throughout most of 1942, the outcome of the war against Hitler hung in the balance.

However, by the year’s end, Allied victories on the Eastern front and in the North African

desert had decisively turned the tide, and Nazi Germany’s era of conquests had ended.

After the US, Soviet Union, and Britain
had united against Germany in 1941,
the increase in economic resources and
population were weighted heavily in
favor of the Allies. However, bringing
these resources to bear on the battlefield
was no easy matter.

German successes
Militarily, the Germans were still capable
of inflicting heavy defeats on their enemies.
In the Soviet Union, Axis forces repulsed
Soviet offensives and resumed their
advance eastward, reaching the Volga and
the Caucasus. By late summer 1942, Hitler’s
aim of crippling the Soviets’ war effort by
capturing their sources of oil supplies and arms
production looked within sight.
Meanwhile, in Egypt’s Western Desert, the German
field marshal Erwin Rommel outfought the British, and
by July had advanced to El Alamein, less than 70 miles
(100 km) from Britain’s major naval base at Alexandria. In
the Atlantic, German U-boats attacked American coastal
shipping and transoceanic convoys, threatening to block the
movement of US arms and troops to the European theater,
which depended entirely upon sea transport. Merchant
convoys taking military aid to the Soviet Union through
its Arctic ports also suffered heavy losses.

Domination over cooperation
Throughout this period, the German hold on
occupied Europe remained secure. Coastal
raids and RAF bombing of cities were too
ineffectual to have significant impact. In
occupied countries, the Nazis crushed
all opposition by force and exploited the
resources to the maximum. The scale of
resistance activity remained quite limited,
despite the efforts of the British Special Operations Executive
(SOE) and the growth of Communist-led partisan guerrilla
groups after the Soviet Union’s entry into the war.
Hitler also had plans for construction of a racially
stratified New Order in Europe. In 1942, his policy to
massacre all Jews (code named “the Final Solution”)
became organized into a coherent project to annihilate
Europe’s Jewish population. Extermination camps
industrialized killing, the scale of which was limited only
by the need to use Jews as slave labor. The same camps
killed off Soviet prisoners of war, political opponents of
Nazism, the Romany people, and homosexuals.

Throughout the first half of
1942, the Axis powers’ victories
continued. When German troops
reached Stalingrad in August, it
appeared another major success
was in prospect, but instead the
battle was a disaster for Hitler’s
forces. In North Africa, Field
Marshal Rommel’s Panzer Army
was trapped between the British,
who had recently been victorious
at the Second Battle of El Alamein,
and US troops, which landed in
Operation Torch. Meanwhile,
the sufferings of the people of
Nazi-occupied Europe mounted.

◁ Call for collaboration
A poster calls for Dutch volunteers to join the Nazis’ elite
force, the Waffen-SS. Recruits were sought from conquered
countries with racially “Aryan” populations, including the
Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. Every nation in occupied
Europe produced enthusiastic collaborators, who identified
ideologically with the Nazis’ racist and anticommunist beliefs.

▽ The Americans arrive
A British policeman gives directions
to a newly arrived American soldier.
Over 200,000 US personnel were
based in Britain by the end of 1942.

DEC 1941 FEB 1942 APR




Dec 7, 1941 Nazis decree
resistance members in
occupied countries are to
be killed or “disappear”

Jan 20, 1942
Nazis hold Wannsee
Conference to
coordinate the
“Final Solution”

Mar 27, 1942 First
French Jews deported
to Auschwitz

May 19, 1942
Red Army
defeated at

May 30–31, 1942
RAF Bomber
Command launches
1,000-bomber raid
on Cologne

May 16, 1942
In the Western Desert
Campaign, successful Axis
offensive launched at Gazala

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