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Jane Fonda and the
‘ Ticking, Existential
Time Bomb’ in D.C.
Jane Fonda protested climate change outside
the Capitol on Nov. 8, the first time in five weeks
of protest that she wasn’t arrested.
On her fifth week of climate protests, Fonda breaks her
streak of Friday arrests: ‘I have to be careful because
I have to begin Grace and Frankie in January’
By Seth Abramovitch
n Nov. 8, for the first
time since she began
her campaign protest-
ing climate change
more than four weeks ago in
Washington, D.C., Jane Fonda
managed to not get arrested. The
81-year-old actress-activist had
tempted fate again by marching
from the Capitol to the White
House with a group of 40 civil-
ian activists to form a human
chain outside the entrance for
two hours; the Secret Service
did not intervene, and no arrests
were made.
Since Oct. 11, the Grace and
Frankie star has spent 20 hours
behind bars, after being arrested
alongside such famous friends
as Sam Waterston and Rosanna
Arquette. Fonda relocated to
D.C. in September for the cam-
paign, dubbed Fire Drill Fridays
and hatched with Greenpeace
USA executive director Annie
Leonard, environmental activist
Bill McKibben and On Fire: The
(Burning) Case for a Green New
Deal author Naomi Klein.
The celebrity co-activists with
whom she did not get incarcer-
ated were Ben Cohen and Jerry
Epstein, founders of Ben & Jerry’s
Ice Cream. “They’ve focused on
cutting Pentagon budgets and
ending wars,” says Fonda, “and
so they wanted to come down
to speak at Fire Drill Friday
focusing on military, war and
climate change.”
She has vowed to keep going
until January, but also is mind-
ful of her filming schedule: “I
have to be careful not to get to a
point where they’re going to keep
me for 90 days, because I have
to begin preparing for Grace and
Frankie in January. They give you
three warnings, and so I will step
away at the third warning.” Fonda
shares highlights of her protest
campaign so far.
How do you choose who will be by
your side at these protests?
I ask my celebrity friends. Like
[two] week[s ago], Catherine
Keener and Rosanna Arquette
were there. Te d D a n s o n has long
been an activist and advocate
on oceans, and so I specifically
invited him to come for oceans.
Bobby Kennedy Jr. I was hoping
could come for water because he
started Riverkeeper. Lily Tomlin
will be coming down, but I don’t
know exactly when. [Civil rights
leaders] the Rev. William Barber,
Dolores Huerta and others are
coming down on Dec. 20 for my
birthday. Diane Lane is coming
down for the freshwater one.