Vanity Fair UK - 12.2019

(Sean Pound) #1

then that would become a way of

life for our country.

Many of your members, especially

after the Mueller report, were eager

to impeach, but you resisted. Why?

There is plenty of grist for the mill in the

Mueller report. But not the actual, “What

was the obstruction of justice about?” With

Ukraine, we had what his violation of the

Constitution was about. It just made all the

difference in the world. It was the dawning

of a new day, crossing the Rubicon, any

analogy you want to use or metaphor you

want to use. We had no choice, I had no

choice but to go forward. Especially after

the president admitted it to me on the

phone without even any embarrassment

about what he did and got caught doing.

Compare Trump to other presidents

you worked with.

While we had our differences of opinion—

even with President George W. Bush—they

believed in governance. Trump doesn’t

believe in governance. So it’s very hard to

see what would motivate him to do

something really good and transformative.

The only thing that he has accomplished,

and it’s sad to say for our country, is a tax

cut that will give 83 percent of the benefits

to the top 1 percent. And he thinks that’s

an accomplishment.

Have you been at all surprised by the

behavior of the broader Republican

party in the Trump era?

No. I’m not surprised. I mean, their

oath of office is clearly to Donald Trump

and not to the Constitution of the

United States. Forgetting his personal

grotesqueness, there is nothing he is

about, in terms of the issues, that they

haven’t been there longer and worse.

How do you keep your finger on the

pulse of your caucus?

I do consider myself a weaver. That I’m

at this loom and I’m weaving and

I want every thread to be in the tapestry.

Whether it’s the big tent of where we

are—generationally, gender, gender ID,

philosophically, ethnically—all of

that adds strength to it. And in order to

take advantage of all that strength, it’s

important to respect what the difference

is that it brings to the tapestry. That’s what

we are, the Democratic party. We are

not a rubber stamp, lockstep party as the

Republicans are. We have our beautiful

diversity and that, again, is our strength.

One thing people say is that I can

bring people together. I don’t unify them;

our values do. —ABIGAIL TRACY


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