The Economist

(Steven Felgate) #1

INCE 1975 when the first retail invest-
ment fund that aimed simply to mimic a
stockmarket index was launched by Van-
guard such “passive” funds have squeezed
margins and profits right across the asset-
management industry. On August 1st that
trend reached its logical endpoint with the
launch of two zero-cost tracker funds by Fi-
delity a Boston-basedfirm built on active
investing that isthe industry’sfourth-larg-
est with $2.5trn under management. With
no minimum investment required and an
expense ratio (that is net cost to investors)
of zero it will further shake up an industry
that was already undergoing a major struc-
tural shift.
Fidelity’s competitorsimmediately felt
the heat. Shares in BlackRock the world’s
largest asset manager and largest provider
of passive exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
closed 4.7% down on the day as share-
holders digested the implications for its
business model. Those in Invesco the
fourth-largest ETF provider dropped by
4.2% and those in State Street (which
though the third-largestETFprovider also
has many business lines besides asset
management) by 1.2%.
Competition had already driven char-
ges on index-tracking mutual funds and
ETFs to very low levels. Fees for the index-
tracking mutual funds at Vanguard and
Charles Schwab most similar to Fidelity’s
new offerings are just 0.14% and 0.09% re-
spectively. TheETFversions of those funds
cost even less at 0.04% and 0.03%. There
are economies of scale in index investing
since costs do not rise in line with assets
under management.
Without skimming any explicit fee
from the new funds Fidelity will have to
find other ways to make money such as by
lending shares to short-sellers for a consid-
eration. It may also see the new funds as
loss-leaders hoping that investors will
eventually migrate to its other offerings. To
make that more attractive it has cut fees for
its existing stock and bond index funds by
around a third which will save investors
$47m annually and done away with mini-
mum investments across the board. And it
surely hopes it will be able to “upsell” cus-
tomers more lucrative products such as fi-
nancial advice.
That it was Fidelity that went to zero
first was something of a surprise. Its repu-
tation was made on the prowess of its
stockpickers. The move therefore reveals
just how much active management in

shares is suffering. Over the past decade
an average of 87% of actively managed
American equity funds underperformed
their benchmark indices. Average active-
management fees in 2017 were 0.57%.
Active-only asset managers have tried
to respond to pressure from passive funds
by consolidating. Examples include merg-
ers between Janus an American fund
house and Henderson an Anglo-Austra-
lian firm; and in Britain between Aber-
deen Investments and Standard Life. But it
is hard to see a reversal of the shift toward
passive management which by some esti-
mates already approaches half of all as-
sets in managed American equity funds.
Fidelity’s move is likely to prompt further
consolidation among passive-fund provid-
ers too even though many are already

giants. After all to make a decent income
from such activities as lending shares to
short-sellers means doing it at scale.
In recent years Fidelity has lost business
to rivals who had moved earlier to focus on
passive investing and to squeeze costs. It
was already shiftingits emphasis. In June a
net $5.6bn flowed into its passive fund of-
ferings even as it $2.6bn net flowed out of
its active strategies. Its new zero-cost funds
will surely accelerate this trend.
The price war in asset management
was already fierce. Will anyone go to the
wall? At the very least it is hard to imagine
that Fidelity’s rivals can hold off from low-
ering or even scrapping their fees too. As
free current accounts show once some-
thing is provided for nothing it is very diffi-
cult ever to start charging again. 7

Index investing

How low can

you go?

A milestone is reached with the first
zero-cost tracker funds

The EconomistAugust 4th 2018 Finance and economics 59


Myanmar’s state-owned enterprises

Living fossils

The bureaucratic leviathans show how much economic reform is still needed


OTHING has been made in the engine
factory in Thagaya in the south of
Myanmar since April last year. Yet around
350 employees still turn up each day. In
2016 government-owned factories like this
one made a loss of more than $200m.
When Myanmar moved from military
dictatorship to a form of democracy its
new government embarked on a series of
reforms. Since 2011 it has passed at least
two dozen laws related to the economy.
Foreign investment much of it from China
has helped the economy to grow at around
7% a year. But it remains one of the region’s
poorest countries. And vast swathes of the
economy remain untouched.
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) employ

about 145000 people and provide about
half of government revenue excluding for-
eign aid. They collect around 12% ofGDP in
fiscal revenue and spend about the same.
But the junta-era law that regulates them is
a vaguely worded two-page document
that is silent on what they are supposed to
do. It simply states which sectors are gov-
ernment monopolies and promises prison
to anyone who encroaches.
Myanmar now has 31SOEs. Some are
decrepit industrial complexes like that in
Thagaya but others deal with juicy sectors
such as airlines gems oil and gas telecom-
munications and timber. Their economic
impact is huge. They not only pursue com-
mercial activities; most also collect taxes
and regulate the sectors they operate in.
A recent report by two think-tanks the
local Renaissance Institute and the Nation-
al Resources Government Institute in New
York details their freedom from govern-
ment oversight. The SOEs have no specific
performance targets or formal appoint-
ment procedures for senior staff—most are
run by former army men. Their accounts
are kept by hand in physical books. Audits
consist of nothing more than checking
bank statements against the figures they
provide. Only their total budgets are re-
ported to members of parliament who do
not get to see detailed line items.
Exceedingly conservative accounting
rules require them to set aside 55% of their
profits. Myanmar Gem Enterprise for in-
stance holds enough cash to run itself for
172 years earning no interest in a state-
owned bank. In January 2017 SOEs held
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