Little White Lies - 11.2019 - 12.2019

(Chris Devlin) #1
trip away all the celebrity tittle-tattle, gossip and innuendo, and
when we talk to artists we’re primarily interested in how they go
about making their art. What’s your inspiration? What’s your method?
What’s your secret? Kudos to singer-songwriter PJ Harvey for being at
the centre of a film which attempts to lay the creative process horrifyingly
bare. The desire to exhibit the unseen bedrock of her songs takes its most
literal form in a live installation at London’s Somerset House, where
Harvey and her musical collaborators record the album ‘The Hope Six
Demolition Project’ in a purpose-built, sound-proofed rock box where
onlookers can spy on the recording session through one-way mirrors and
monitor the evolution of each song.
Footage of the sessions only makes up half of Seamus Murphy’s
conceptual documentary A Dog Called Money, as we also follow Harvey
on a whistlestop tour of Syria, Afghanistan and Washington DC as she
searches for sociopolitical grist for the lyrical mill. At one point she’s
sat on the stoop with kids in DC’s predominantly black Anacostia
neighbourhood, looking a little bemused as they freestyle for the camera
and talk blithely of their many run-ins with gun violence.
In Kabul, the pair visit a music shop and watch an all-male choir in the
midst of an intense prayer chant. They see poverty and desolation, and
paraphrased versions of Harvey’s diary-like narration can later be heard
during the London recording. On one hand, Harvey’s creative generosity
is laudable, and she is self-critical enough for this entire endeavour not
to seem trite. Yet seeing the creative process writ large has the effect
of diminishing the impact of the music, divesting it of all mystique and
ambiguity. It’s the not knowing where these stories and ideas derived from
that causes the listener to paint pictures in their mind. This film is like a
fusty album explainer, and it’s really not that much fun. DAVID JENKINS

ANTICIPATION. PJ Harvey is a national
treasure. ‘Rid of Me’ is an all-time classic album.

ENJOYMENT. Is it possible to learn too
much about the provenance of an artwork?

IN RETROSPECT. The recording aspects are good,
but the travelogue material just doesn’t work.

rack star, debate champion, honours student: Luce Edgar (Kelvin
Harrison Jr) can seemingly do no wrong in the eyes of gushing
high school administrators and his wealthy adoptive parents, Peter
(Tim Roth) and Amy (Naomi Watts). The academic laurels and sporting
accomplishments are made all the more impressive considering Luce’s
traumatic past growing up in war-torn Eritrea as a child soldier. Most
of the adoring faces gazing at Luce are white. To them, this handsome,
smart young black man is the American Dream personified. But more
importantly, he’s a living validation of their liberal convictions about
social justice and racial equality.
Julius Onah’s Luce, a strikingly blunt Obama-era requiem,
confronts the self-serving underbelly of white privilege and minority
tokenism by complicating Luce’s seemingly unimpeachable persona.
Ironically, the first shot across the bow comes from a whip-smart
teacher of colour named Harriet Wilson (Octavia Spencer), who takes
an aggressive and ethically problematic approach to confronting Luce’s
potential dark side.
Adapted from JC Lee’s stage play of the same name, Onah’s drama
grows increasingly laborious as it revels in the plot mechanics of revenge
and betrayal. The best scenes apply pressures of uncertainty to social
interactions harbouring an organic connection to racial bias, gender
discrimination and school violence. But those moments become few
and far between as Luce’s manipulating mind games become more overt.
Still, Luce remains a convincing and confidant example of sustained
menace. The version of American idealism it skewers is one based
on denial. When Peter tells Amy that “everything ’s fine” after both
have nearly reached rock bottom, it’s hard not to chuckle, and see the
ultimate point of Luce’s funny games. GLENN HEATH JR

“From the director of The Cloverfield Paradox”

ENJOYMENT. This morally ambiguous
character study definitely leaves a mark.

A blunt but effectively forceful Obama-era requiem.


Directed by JULIUS ONAH
Released 8 NOVEMBER


A Dog Called Money

Released 8 NOVEMBER


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