Harper\'s bazaar Rihana

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


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Describe Tory at 15. What did
you like to do? I was into tennis,
horseback riding, and my friends.
I went to an all-girls school in a
uniform and always got detention
for wearing colorful boxer shorts
under my kilt.

You love to travel. What’s the
most memorable place you’ve
been to, and where would you
like to go next? I still can’t get
over my trip to Myanmar—it was
an unbelievable experience, from
foating down the Irrawaddy River
to seeing the ancient city of Bagan
to sweeping the foors at Shwed-
agon Pagoda, which is a Buddhist
tradition that ensures good luck.
But I’ve always wanted to go on
safari in Africa with my boys.

You’ve been everywhere in the
world. What is your favorite
souvenir? I have a Sevan Biçakçi
chain with a locket that I got on
a trip to Istanbul.

Why do you think you’ve man-
aged to be so successful? Did
you ever doubt that it would
happen? It was completely unex-
pected. I think it comes down to
having a great idea and an amazing
team and being willing to work
incredibly hard. There’s no such
thing as an overnight success.

Do you have a mantra or a
phrase that you live by? Nega-
tivity is noise.

What scares you the most?
Bungee jumping. I did it once but
never again. n

Visit Harper’s Bazaar on Facebook
to submit questions for more of your
favorite designers.

Who were your style icons
when you were younger? My
mother and father. They had efort-
less style, and their attention to
detail was extraordinary.

Art is often an inspiration point
for you. Whose work is resonat-
ing with you right now? For
our Spring 2015 collection, I was
inspired by the spirit of the artist
Françoise Gilot. Richard Dieben-
korn’s paintings have always reso-
nated with me, and Sigmar Polke
was an inspiration for our Prefall
2015 collection.

What clothing item could you
wear every day and why? A
classic trench coat—it’s seasonless.

What is your go-to beauty prod-
uct? My approach to beauty is less
is more, but I usually wear a pinky-
nude lip color, like my Pas du Tout.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
French fries.

What is your oldest, most trea-
sured piece of clothing? A black
Norman Norell dress with ostrich
feathers from my mother. In her
words, “It’s divine.”

Who do you love to follow on
social media? @ideabooksltd on
Instagram, a London bookseller
who posts extraordinary images
and rare fnds.

What did you want to be when
you were growing up? A profes-
sional tennis player or a veterinar-
ian. One summer I worked in a
fsh cannery on Kodiak Island,
Alaska, with my friend Kara Ross.
We took that of our list. But I also
think I would have liked to be a
psychiatrist. I love problem-solving. Tory Burch, Spring 2015

Tory Burch reveals her style secrets,

why she would’ve made a good psychiatrist,

and the answers to all of your questions

porTraiT: noa griffel for Tory Burch. runway: dan & corina lecca



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