Foreign affairs 2019 09-10

(ff) #1

Recent Books

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create legal work programs in the
United States, and properly sta U.S.
immigration courts.

Thomas C. Mann: President Johnson, the
Cold War, and the Restructuring of Latin
American Foreign Policy
University Press o“ Kentucky, 2018, 294 pp.

Allcock works hard to rehabilitate the
reputation o– Thomas Mann, U.S.
President Lyndon Johnson’s senior adviser
on Latin America. Loyalists o‘ Johnson’s
predecessor, John F. Kennedy, along with
other liberal critics, blamed Mann for
abandoning the idealism o‘ the Alliance
for Progress, Kennedy’s ambitious eco-
nomic and security assistance programs
for Latin America, in favor o‘ supporting
military dictatorships and conservative
business interests. Allcock persuasively
argues that, in fact, Kennedy’s contradic-
tory Cold War security strategies always
preferred pro-U.S. authoritarians over
potentially pro-Soviet leftists. Moreover,
the administration was already shifting
away from its lofty early rhetoric and
unrealistic goals by the time o“ Kennedy’s
assassination. Nor was Mann an economic
reactionary, as his detractors have
claimed; rather, he adhered to New Deal
beliefs in government spending on
infrastructure projects and public inter-
vention to mitigate market failures. Mann
supported international agreements to
stabilize the price o‘ coee, for example,
and was unafraid to criticize corporate
executives he considered socially irrespon-
sible. A Çuent Spanish speaker with years
o‘ diplomatic experience, Mann also
deserves credit for reducing tensions with
Mexico and Panama by negotiating
bilateral treaties.

Sand and Blood: America’s Stealth War on
the Mexico Border
Books, 2019, 256 pp.

In this searing eyewitness report on the
situation at the U.S.-Mexican border,
Frey argues that long-standing U.S.
policies to deter illegal immigration by
building fences, detaining and mistreating
and then deporting immigrants, and
now splitting up families cannot stem
the Çow o‘ desperate people. Harsh
U.S. policies have, however, killed an
unknown number o‘ immigrants, as
people resort to more dangerous routes
and some die in overcrowded detention
facilities. The only winners are the
federal bureaucracies whose budgets and
personnel swell, opportunistic politi-
cians who tra”c in fear-mongering, and
the defense contractors that supply the
facilities and weaponry. Although the
Trump administration may have
a dopted “zero tolerance” policies, since
the 1980s, the U.S. Congress and
various administrations, including those
o“ Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack
Obama, have laid the groundwork for
the mistreatment o‘ immigrants through
legislation, executive orders, and anti-
immigrant rhetoric. Housed within the
military-minded Department o‘
Homeland Security, the 20,000-strong
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
agency, in Frey’s view, has morphed
into an unaccountable, ill-trained
“clandestine police force” running the
world’s largest immigrant detention
system. Frey argues that instead o‘
locking immigrants up, the United States
should promote economic development in
the countries from which they come,

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