2019-11-01 delicious

(lily) #1
Theworldis fasterthanit’severbeenbefore.There’ssomuchto see,somuchto do,somuchto taste,
somuchto experience,andwe’realwaysin a hurry.Buteveryoncein a while,wedeserveto slowdown.
We deserve to break free from the frantic energy that surrounds us and experience something diff erent – time.

noise,and trulyletgo.Butwemustn’t
rush it. Weoweit toourselvestofind
asmuchtimeaspossible.Timeto dig
deeper, time to make new friends,
time to uncovera rich newpaletteof
colours andflavours. We should find
time.Timeto stop.Timeto breathe-inand
feelinvigorated,timeto getto knowthe
details,andtimeto immerseourselves
in thewondersof a completely diff erent
kindof world.

Allowusto sharetimewithyou,asyou
railjourneysto choosefrom,a timeless
expedition of invigoration awaits. From

theiconic railsof The Ghan, to the
incrediblydiverseIndianPacific andthe
awe-inspiring GreatSouthern, there’s
somethingforevery taste, every second
of theway.

Imaginefindingthetimeto dinein an
undergroundsanctuary– thescorching
sunof CooberPedyonlymetresabove,
butit feelslikeit’sa worldaway.You’d
youof yoursenses,butsomehow,theyare
gazingupat theOutback’snightsky,as
billionsof flickeringlightsdazzledownfrom
above.It feelslikea showthat’sjustforyou.
Thecracklingof a bonfire is theonlything
that reminds you of where you are, but

likethesetendto distortyoursenseof time.
A minutecanfeellikeanhour.Imaginea
journeyfilledwithmomentslike these –
that’sthemagicof railtravel.

Embarkingona railjourneyis likestepping
intoa timemachine.Everythingfeels
slower,andbecauseyou’reableto find
thetime,yougetto seethedetails.Every
rock,everybladeof grass,everymouthful
of foodseemsmorevivid, more intense,

So,don’trushit. Findtimeandembark on
a great Australian rail journey.

Find timeatjourneybeyondrail.com.au


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