Vogue USA - 11.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1

Abasi Rosborough
Abdul Abasi, 38, and Greg
Rosborough, 35, use
dead-stock textiles to modify
traditional tailored pieces
with a futuristic bent; colors
are slick, and the cuts are
forward-thinking. Abasi—who
spent his early years after
high school in the U.S. Army
and working for NATO—
describes their label, which
embraces the technological
and the biological, as
“anatomically informed,
architectural, and soulful.” As
far as inspiration goes,
Rosborough—who cut his
design teeth at Ralph Lauren—
cites Elon Musk, while
Abasi looks to Mother Nature.
Abasi Rosborough jacket
and pants. Rag & Bone T-shirt.
Fashion Editor:
Tonne Goodman.

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