Mens Journal

(Steven Felgate) #1


Alaska’s Wildest

We i rd est Fro nt ie r

Near the far-western end of the Aleutian Islands amid the crumbling remains
of a former military base is America’s most far-out town.byABE STREEP

On Adak an island
halfway between
Alaska and Russia
there’s a thin line
between domesticated
and decaying.




from an abandoned McDonald’s
or 30 humped-out pinks f lop into the dirt and
then onto the tundra for no apparent reason.
Maybe they made a wrong turn missing their
spawning stream. Or maybe they’re the betas
squeezed out of the water by stronger f ish.
could walk across them. They’re all pink
salmon which many Alaskans see f it only for
dogs but I have a perfectly good smoker at
home. After four or f ive casts into the water
fat ocean-fresh f ish. My girlfriend f ishing
nearby chivalrously offers hers. After four or
f ive more casts t hat rod too is in shards. Our
friendandguideElainemeanwhile silently
hauls in f ish. Elaine used to guide bear-hunt-
like the work. “It was more like babysitting”

she says. A former shareholder in the Aleut
Corporation a for-prof it enterprise owned
by native Alaskans she now holds multiple
jobs: store owner city council member
salmon harvester.
After pulling in a dozen pinks Elaine
walks to the trunk of her Clinton administra-
tion–era Chevrolet pulls out a cooler cutting
board and knife and surgically fillets them
holding the f ish in her left hand and slicing
with her right. A harbor seal approaches the
anadromous bacchanal. “Oh oh oh!” yells
Elaine who has subsistence-hunting rights.
“I should have brought my gun!”

THERE’S REMOTE.There’s wild. And then
there’s Adak. An unbelievable place in the lit-
eral sense of the word. The name stems from
the Aleut forfather. The Aleutian Islands cre-
ated thousands of years ago by volcanoes that

in a scimitar-like curve separating the Bering
Sea from the North Pacific. Adak Island sits
near the end of the line. Its namesake town
municipality in the United States. Russia is
just 750 miles away a proximity that explains
the military presence. The Navy housed a sta-
became a Cold War surveillance base. The
Navy began leaving in the mid-Nineties and
the Aleut Corporation eventually took over
much of town offering houses to its members
for next to nothing. Not many took the offer.
Elaine did and voilà there it was: an unten-
anted land of caribou rugged peaks tundra
abandoned spy buildings and unexploded
military ordnance. A place to tread lightly.
We a r r ive on a w h i m. My g i rl f r iend i s
Alaskan and has visited Adak before. Her
pitch went something like this: Caribou are
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