Mens Journal

(Steven Felgate) #1



N APRILduring this year’s
Vertical Blue contest — the
world’s most competitive
free-diving event — William
Trubridge shattered his own
record for deepest dive (397
feet). But rather than being
elated with the feat Trubridge
was miffed. The 35-year-old
New Zealander had managed
three feet but he’d fumbled
while retrieving a tag to verify
his depth losing precious sec-
onds. “I wasn’t in the right frame
of mind” he says. “It wasn’t
a perfect ending.” So he tried
again two days later. This time
over the course of four minutes
and 34 breathless seconds
Trubridge upped the record by
another six feet.
In the world of free-diving —
which includes disciplines like
free immersion (diving with no
aid) constant weight (diving
while wearing f ins) and constant
weight without f ins — Trubridge
is king. He earned his f irst world
record after a constant no-f ins
dive to 265 feet in 2007 and then
broke that record 10 times in
the next three years. He holds
15 world records and is often
referred to as “the human f ish.”
Trubridge who founded Ver-
tical Blue has been attracted to
the water since childhood. From
age 2 to 11 he lived on a boat
and his family sailed from their
native England to New Zealand

where Trubridge was raised.
“We were always snorkeling so
when I heard about free-dive it
drew me in” he says.
The sport emerged in 1949
when an Italian air force captain
took a bet and dived 98 feet into
a lake on Capri. Free-diving has
taken off since but it’s still prac-
This year’s Vertical Blue event
which was held in the Bahamas
lured 35 divers up from 23 the
year before. “There’s something
really nice about losing the
noise the fray the distractions
and being so internally focused”
says diver and judge Francesca
Koe. “You both lose yourself and
find yourself in the ocean.”
At a Vertical Blue match
in 2013 American diver Nick
Mevoli tried for a record but died
when his blood vessels hemor-
rhaged. This year’s contest was
nearly disastrous as well. Israeli
diver Yaron Hoory blacked out
on the second dive of the compe-
tition and didn’t come to for five
minutes. But it turned out to be
a big weekend for more than just
Trubridge. Female diver Sayuri
Kinoshita of Japan obliterated
the no-fins record with a dive to
196feetintwo and a half min-
utes and Brit Dean Chaouche
set two U.K. records: 242 feet
with no fins and 328 feet with
each in about three minutes. For
all three further records await
at the year’s remaining events.Q

descends 406
feet into the
world’s deepest-
known saltwater
blue hole in

Free-Diving the Bahamas.

Goes Deeper

William Trubridge keeps breaking world
records in a single breath. byDAVID BROWNE


Number of
who have died
since 2002.

The short history of free-diving is riddled
with horror stories. Just last year 53-year-old
free-diving legend Natalia Molchanova
disappeared off the coast of Ibiza never to be
found. The payoff isn’t so great either.


Depth in feet where
lungs shrink to the
size of oranges and
the heart beats at
half the normal rate.


Number of divers
of 35 total who
suffered lung injuries
in 2016’s Vertical
Blue contest.


Cash prize in
dollars at Vertical
Blue (the only
competition that
offers one).



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