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4 Contents The EconomistOctober 26th 2019
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Published since September 1843
to take part in“a severe contest between
intelligence, which presses forward,
and an unworthy, timid ignorance
obstructing our progress.”
Editorial offices in London and also:
Amsterdam, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,
Chicago, Johannesburg, Madrid, Mexico City,
Moscow, Mumbai, New Delhi, New York, Paris,
San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai,
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Volume 433 Number 9166
47 The Visegrad economies
48 North Macedonia rejected
49 Dutch environmentalism
49 Franco’s exhumation
50 CharlemagneFighting
over the bill
51 The Brexit deal
52 Migrant deaths
53 BagehotThe end of
British exceptionalism
54 Amazonian tensions in
the Catholic church
56 Carving up Big Tech
58 BartlebyCreating
business cultures
59 Rich Germans’ past
59 America Inc reports
60 Mexico’s embattled
60 India slurps G&Ts
61 SchumpeterThe IPO
Finance & economics
63 Wells Fargo
64 Libra’s troubles
65 The power of Doing
Business rankings
65 Japan bashes foreign
66 ButtonwoodThe appeal
of emerging markets
67 Germany and the ECB
67 Trade finance’s paper trail
69 Free exchangeDo central
bankers talk too much?
Science & technology
70 Detecting fake news
71 Genes and migration
72 Monkeys and oil palms
72 Treating Alzheimer’s
73 Sex-biased collections
Books & arts
74 Inequality in America
75 An everyday epic
76 European cultural history
77 Plautilla Nelli’s “Last
Economic & financial indicators
80 Statistics on 42 economies
Graphic detail
81 Shakespeare’s reputation took a century to develop
82 Harold Bloom, colossus of literary criticism