
(Kiana) #1

Sebastian Mallaby

178 죞¥Ÿ³¤ ¬μ쬟ž™

moderation.” He believed, as Grant
writes, “in progress, religious liberty, lim-
ited government, clean elections, non-
entanglement in foreign wars, [and] free
trade.” Like other liberals o” the time, he
“opposed the brutal laws to punish free
speech, crush delinquent debtors, hang
shoplifters, and maim poachers.” Even as

father o” the lender-of-last-resort doc-
trine, so was he a progenitor o” a wider
political tradition. What U.S. President
Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister
Tony Blair called “the Third Way,” and
what others sometimes label “the radical
center,” Bagehot summed up in his
favorite political watchword: “animated


Liberal lion: a line engraving of Bagehot, 1877

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