Beyond Great Forces
November/December 2019 151
but at the cost o¡ millions o° lives. His successor, Deng Xiaoping, trans-
formed the country again by dumping Mao’s state-centric economic
model, thus enabling China’s remarkable rise.
Across the Persian Gulf, MBS’ great rival is a very dierent kind o¡
leader, but one who also exercises an outsize impact. Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, is a cautious old man. I ́ MBS is
defying the impersonal forces o° both Saudi Arabia’s domestic politics
and its traditional foreign policy, Khamenei sits at the crossroads o¡
Iran’s intersecting domestic and international pressures and directs
the tra¼c as he sees ̄t.
Today, it is simplistic, but not entirely inaccurate, to say that Ira-
nian politics is a struggle between two opposing camps. A group o¡
reformists and pragmatists seeks to reform Iran’s foreign and economic
policies to address the dire needs o¡ the Iranian people. Their ap-
proach represents a natural response to Iran’s circumstances: it is a
resource-rich country that has been impoverished and immiserated
by its own aggressive behavior. Opposing the pragmatists is a group
o° hard-liners devoted to both aggression abroad and repression at
/ AP
Prince Charming: Mohammed bin Salman in London, March 2018