Recent Books
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IB OHLSSON has retired as Foreign Aairs’ contributing artist. Beginning in 1994,
Ohlsson produced more than 300 drawings for our pages. His wit and artistry have
provided Áashes o illumination and delight among the endless gray columns o text,
and his gentle mockery has kicked the pedestals out from under legions o the high
and mighty. We thank him for his contributions.
Patriotic Front (the party currently in
power), and a vice president under the
presidency o Michael Sata. Scott
brieÁy became acting president, for
three months, in late 2014, after Sata’s
death. In this engaging and often witty
memoir surveying his career, Scott revels
in the fact that this last credential makes
him the only white person to have served
as president in an African electoral
democracy. His memoir is particularly
entertaining concerning recent Zambian
politics, with its nasty personal rivalries
and underhanded conspiracies. Scott
recounts with great insight the rise o
the Patriotic Front through two national
elections. He is a modest narrator, and
the real hero o his story is Sata, his
political patron and mentor. Although
observers o Zambia often criticize Sata
as an unscrupulous populist whose
election in 2011 began the current
democratic backsliding, he emerges from
this book as an eccentric but brilliant
political entrepreneur who cared deeply
about Zambia and its people.∂
armed guerrilla movement in Guinea-
Bissau. He was gunned down in myste-
rious circumstances by a disgruntled
lieutenant a year before the country
won its independence, in 1974. Cabral
tirelessly sought international support
for his movement, and Mendy ably
describes the pace and spirit o the
international anticolonial circuit o the
1960s and early 1970s, with Cabral
jetting to endless rounds o consultations
in capitals such as Havana and Bucha-
rest and addressing the £’s Special
Committee on Decolonization, all while
trying to outwit Portuguese intelligence
Adventures in Zambian Politics: A Story in
Black and White
BY GUY SCOTT. Lynne Rienner, 2019,
259 pp.
Born in what was then Northern Rhode-
sia to British parents, Scott renounced
his British citizenship and chose to
remain in Zambia after the country won
its independence in 1964. He has been a
government economist, a farmer, a
leader o a farmers’ union, a democracy
activist, one o the founders o the
Foreign Aairs (ISSN 00157120), November/December 2019, Volume 98, Number 6. Published six times annually (January, March, May,
July, September, November) at 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065. Print subscriptions: U.S., $54.95; Canada, $66.95; other
countries via air, $89.95 per year. Canadian Publication Mail–Mail # 1572121. Periodicals postage paid in New York, NY, and at
additional mailing oces. ¡¢£¤¥¢£¦§: Send address changes to Foreign Aairs, P.O. Box 324, Congers, NY 10920. From time to
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