Publishers Weekly - 14.10.2019

(Joyce) #1
Comedian Jolenta Greenberg loved crystals,
monitored her chakras, and wanted to
believe self-help books could “fix” her. Her
friend Kristen Meinzer, a broadcast producer,
equated self-help with snake oil. So Greenberg
asked Meinzer to join her on a project: for two
weeks at a time, they lived by the rules of a
different self-help guide, and recorded their
experiences for what became the podcast By
the Book. Fifty guides later, Greenberg and
Meinzer share what they’ve learned in How to
Be Fine (Morrow, Mar. 2020).

After all this time, is self-help
finally cool?
Meinzer: It’s become a very popular thing to discuss. Like, “Oh, I steam my
vagina!” or “I use this face mask!”—by the way, I’m using a face mask right
now—but more people are owning up to the fact that it’s okay to take care of
ourselves. In a different era, it was shameful to seek a therapist or a self-help book,
but the fact is that a lot of the mainstream medical establishment ignores women,
who are the main readers of self-help, so they go looking for answers elsewhere.

You’ve delved into three decades’ worth of advice.
How has self-help evolved?
Greenberg: I’ve really enjoyed the influx of books about the greater
good. In A Girl’s Guide to Joining the Resistance by Emma Gray [Morrow], there
are different levels of involvement in your day-to-day life, like the TV you
choose to watch, thinking about the message you get, and maybe getting more
involved politically. These books on how to take care of yourself and how to
take those changes out to the world—I love that trend.

Meinzer: It’s been great to see more books that touch on things that made
us angry in past books. Intersectionalism is something we’ve seen in books re-
cently that we hadn’t seen before. That’s not to say that some of the old
tropes—“Men are like this, women are like that” or “If you’re not happy that’s
your own fault”—don’t continue to come up.

Greenberg: A lot of the personal growth or “how to be optimal” stuff is
like, “Don’t take shit personally” blah, blah, blah. That’s easy if you’re a white
dude, but if society is set up to make your life harder, then you’re allowed to
take it personally and want to change things.

Which books have stuck with you the most?
Greenberg: Right now our favorite is What to Say When You Talk to Your-
self by Shad Helmstetter [Gallery]. It’s a book about self-talk, the messaging

PW talks with Jolenta Greenberg
and Kristen Meinzer

Self-Help Test Kitchen



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