Entertainment Weekly - 11.2019

(Dana P.) #1
First Take

‟JJ Sneed”
Another 19th-century-set story
means another classic West-
ern look for Parton, and this
one had to pull double duty,
as she walks right into the
action in ‟JJ Sneed” from the
introduction. ‟It takes place
in the late 1800s, and I wanted
to make her of that period,”
Behar says. Nothing says
versatility like cowgirl fringe!

‟Down From Dover”
“A regalness à la Jackie O, but
still very Dolly” was the con-
cept behind this ’60s-inspired
sheath. To complete the look,
Behar turned to famed milliner
Philip Treacy, who crafted the
perfect red pillbox hat for Par-
ton. The designer says Treacy
“was losing his mind” at the
prospect of creating a piece
for the country-music legend.

This chain-fringed gunmetal
dress hints at Parton’s own
role as the worldly owner of
Baby Blue’s Bar & Grill in
the episode inspired by the
indelible “Jolene” (with Juli-
anne Hough as the alluring
title character). ‟She’s kept in
[blues] or accents of those
colors, with a feeling of a bar
owner,” Behar says.

‟These Old Bones”
“We do rhinestones now, we
cover the entire piece,” says
Behar, who rejected modern
showgirl glitz in favor of art
deco glam for this panne vel-
vet gown. “This was just very
detailed, in that direction, of
that era. It has more of a sort
of arabesque design, in that
Erté feeling of those beautiful
1930s statues.”

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