2019-12-01 The Artist\'s Magazine

(Nandana) #1
ArtistsNetwork.com 45

sides of the house, revealing a distant
landscape featuring a body of water.
In one sense, the painting is almost
mathematical in its carefully judged
relationships and its spatial and color
harmonies. On the other hand, it’s a
highly evocative view of a particular
place full of intimations of a particu-
lar way of life, achieved through
various narrative elements. The string
of lights heralds Christmas, while the
very modest house and somewhat

makeshift nature of the festive orbs
suggests a less-than-wealthy owner.
Most importantly, the loss of day-
light has allowed us to see into the
window where we glimpse the glow
from a TV set, a painting on the wall
and a sofa. We’re invited to contem-
plate the life led in this home, with
its simple domestic accoutrements
and the boat wrapped and waiting
for better weather and the pleasures
of fishing and bathing.

This narrative component of
Frederick’s painting emerges
constantly. In Police (below), for
example, we’re shown a small conve-
nience store featuring blazing beer
signs and an ice machine. A police car
is parked out front, leaving us to
wonder if something untoward is
going on inside. On the far left, an
illuminated sign reads “DONUTS.”
The very conviction of the painting,
with its carefully achieved detail and
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