2019-12-01 The Artist\'s Magazine

(Nandana) #1

82 Artists Magazine December 2019



rtists often get requests to
donate one or more works to
a benefit auction. Proponents
of these donations point out that they
support a good cause and can extend
an artist’s visibility. These observa-
tions may be true, but for best results,
there are other issues to consider
before gifting a work:

  1. First and foremost, the charity
    organization must be one that
    you support and value. Many good
    institutions exist, but when you
    donate a work in support of a cause,
    you must make sure your values align
    with it. Think of your gift not simply
    as an act of generosity, but also as
    the establishment of a mutually

beneficial business arrangement.
Do you trust and respect the organi-
zation’s mission, management and
outcomes? Your work’s presence in
support of the organization means
you ally yourself with its project and
effort. If you support the association
enthusiastically, discuss the possi-
bility of doing an interview with the
local press to comment on your rea-
sons for sharing your work with such
a significant organization.

  1. Donating a work to a non-profit
    institution requires a contractual
    agreement stating the condition of
    the work, its opening bid price and
    any qualifications for the arrange-
    ment to proceed. You may need to


Done Right

Experience the joy of generosity with these

fi ve guidelines for gifting your artwork.

by C.J. Kent


submit paperwork, such as a price
sheet from a show or an appraiser’s
assessment, showing that your other
works are valued at a price similar to
what you’re asking. This contractual
document is important for tax deduc-
tion purposes, although you should
also get a post-auction document that
confirms the final selling price for
your records. Usually a nonprofit is
diligent about maintaining paperwork
associated with its tax status. By the
time you donate the work, the dona-
tion paperwork should be processed.
If it isn’t, then you may wish to wait
until all is finalized.

  1. Consider requesting a percent-
    age of the proceeds. Because artists
    are often asked for contributions,
    many have argued that art donations
    propagate a lack of respect for the
    education and labor required to create
    an artwork. This lack of appreciation
    has made many organizations reassess
    their process with artists. For exam-
    ple, the arts organization Residency
    Unlimited provides artists with 30 per-
    cent of the final auction price to ensure
    that the artists are supported as well
    as the fund-raising organization. Many
    artists need the income from their
    work because visibility alone won’t

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