2019-10-01 Singapore Tatler

(lily) #1

Table For One

In Japan Airlines’ fi rst and business class, you are signing up for more than comfort,
convenience and excellent service—you are in for a top-tier gastronomic journey, too


magine a restaurant where you can
enjoy exquisite dishes that showcase
the full breadth of Japanese cuisine,
prepared by not just one superstar
chef, but several of the country’s best.
Transport this restaurant tens of thousands
feet into the sky, add all the comforts and
amenities of a fi rst or business class seat on
a stellar airline, and you have Japan Airlines’
BEDD concept, whose title combines the
word “bed” with an extra D for “dining with
delicious food in dreamlike comfort”, and
dubbed “the most luxurious restaurant in the world”.
In order to craft an elevated culinary programme above
and beyond your usual fi rst and business class offerings,
Japan Airlines has collaborated with chefs who helm some of
the best fi ne dining restaurants in the country. From proposing
new recipes to devising novel preparation methods, the
airline works closely with these culinary artisans to create
unforgettable dining experiences. For instance, the chefs came
up with a unique method to reheat food to ensure meat dishes
are as succulent as intended. Another highlight is the seasonal
menu on board, with chefs utilising ingredients that are unique
to a particular season, be it spring or autumn.

Business class guests can enjoy the
authentic offerings of Jun Kurogi, the
chef-owner behind Kurogi. Tasting the
dishes created by what is known as one of
the most diffi cult restaurants to reserve in
Tokyo is a breeze from your seat on Japan
Airlines. There are also dishes by Shinobu
Namae, grand chef of two Michelin-starred
L’Effervescence, a restaurant that has
been recognised for its commitment to
sustainable culinary practices.
Those fl ying fi rst class can look forward
to culinary creations by Hideki Ishikawa, who has spearheaded
several restaurants including the eponymous Ishikawa, which was
awarded three Michelin stars, as well as restaurants Kohaku and
Ren. He is accompanied by his Kohaku apprentice Kouji Koizumi,
who was recognised as the youngest chef to work in a three
Michelin-starred establishment in 2015. Meanwhile, Sugalabo
chef-owner, Yosuke Suga, who trained under Joël Robuchon,
offers his seasonal French-Japanese dishes on board.
Immaculate attention has been paid to all the details of your
meal, right down to the bread, which is prepared especially by
Maison Kayser for the airline’s Western-style meals. Founded
by Éric Kayser—known as the top bread maker in Paris, where
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