2019-10-01 Singapore Tatler

(lily) #1
thatit hasthesoftness of a fl ower petal, but with enough
strengthtoholdthe product. So you can have an even,
smoothapplication of the product onto your lips. The
pointatthetopof the applicator is a bit sharper, helping
youcontrolthecontour of your lips when applying the
lipstick;thecurved side lets you even out the lip texture
whenyoumakethe fi nal swipe.

Thisis thesecond time you have created a lipstick
witha “gelheart” that also delivers skincare benefi ts.
Isthisofficiallya Dior signature?
Oncewediscovered this concept, we realised that we
couldcreatetheultimate lipstick. Each formula can
keepitsqualitypure while in the stick, and they fuse on
application.Thisway, we can take advantage of each
formula’squalities to the maximum. The fact that we are
abletodothatis just a technical masterpiece. It really gives
usthepossibilityof combining formulas that normally

Howimportantwas it to create a collection based
Wealwaystrytoadd care elements into our products, be
it inourfoundations, lipsticks or more. For this launch,
wewantedtoaddsomething extra and push the “care”
factorevenfurther without compromising on the make-up

wearing the lipstick, which is a great extra in the new
formulation,” Philips explained. The renowned make-up
artist tells us about the magic of fl owers as well as how he
bridges the gap between heritage and modernity.

What do fl owers mean to you?
For me, fl owers are the most beautiful thing. They are
unique, look amazing, and smell great. When you give
someone fl owers—whether it’s a bouquet or a single
stem—you really put a smile on their face. The great thing
about fl owers is that they are a force of nature, but they
are very fragile at the same time. That contradiction is
almost poetic.

Can you describe the woman Rouge Dior Ultra Care
is made for?
These lipsticks are made for a woman who loves make-up
and wants a product that keeps its promise. It has such
an amazing colour pay-off. It can be adapted to anybody,
from those who prefer a subtle touch to those who want
bold looks.

What was your inspiration to create these shades?
Of course, being Rouge Dior I wanted to go for strong
colours, but at the same time I wanted to bring naturality
and “care” elements. That’s why they’re in all kinds of raw
hues—there are no shocking pinks or jarring fl uorescent
tints. Visually, it doesn’t look like a contrast, what you
see is the result it gives on your lips. That is a beautiful,
natural bouquet of raw shades.

Why did you choose to use fl ower extracts for
this collection?
Personally, I like the idea of the Rouge Dior lipstick
being in the world of fl owers. It’s a huge inspiration not
only for Dior’s beauty sphere, but also for our fashion
universe. Christian Dior was slightly obsessed with
fl owers; thus it makes them an essential part of our DNA.
If we can use ingredients that are derived from fl owers
and they also take care of you, then it’s a great match.
That’s why it’s so important for me that we use fl ower
extracts because it’s not only a beautiful story, but also
a product that performs. Flower extracts really help you
take care of your lips.

How is the applicator of Rouge Dior Ultra Care
Liquid different from the traditional ones?
The Rouge Dior Ultra Care Liquid applicator is literally
inspired by a fl ower petal. If you look at it closely, you
almost see the shape of a rose petal. On the curved side,
there’s a bit of a container which holds the product, so
you apply a proper quantity of product onto your lips.
The texture of the applicator is thought-through in a way

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