Vogue India June 2019

(Dana P.) #1

116 VOGUE INDIA JUNEwww.vogue.in


“What is maximalism? Maximalism means to the max. More
is more. It implies luxury, decoration and colour, and there’s
no such thing as too much. In the last few years the most
infl uential maximalism designer has been Alessandro Mi-
chele of Gucci in the design of his clothes, his advertising
and his vision for the company. If you look back in time,
maximalism was epitomised by Yves Saint Laurent in the
1970s, Christian Lacroix in the 1980s and Versace in the
1990s. With French designers like Saint Laurent and Lac-
roix we saw brilliant colourists who were not afraid of mix-
ing several shades together, including those that were popu-
larly thought in the West to be clashing. We also saw that
they opened everybody’s eyes to the incredible beauty of
brilliant pinks, oranges, turquoise blues, forest greens, all in
the same look, as well as a riot of patterns like paisley, fl orals
or abstract. The designers owed a lot to Indian textile tradi-
tions. Just like Schiaparelli was inspired by the Indian pink.
Later, in the 1990s, Versace also brought colour, Baroque
patterns and hardware. But the 1980s in particular was a
great decade for maximalism and now, 40 years later, in the
end of the 2010s we are seeing it come back again even more
strongly than we did then.
By contrast, minimalism is the idea that less is more. It’s
about striving to get down to the pure essence of things. The
colours are neutrals like black and beige. In the 1970s the
masters of minimalism were American designers Halston
and Calvin Klein. Then during the maximalism of Versace
we had the minimalism of Giorgio Armani. Recently we
found a strong advocate in Phoebe Philo at Céline, who
tended to be quirky but minimal.
Our show Minimalism/Maximalism at the museum at
FIT spans over 250 years. Some pieces to see are by Richard
Quinn, who covers models’ faces with patterned cloth, a
dress by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada with a gigantic 3.5ft bow at
the bosom, a bright puffball three-dimensional dress by

Comme des Garçons and a Manish Arora over-the-top look
with Bollywood imagery. We also have the Balenciaga Triple
S sneakers that look like they are on steroids, and a necklace
by Shaun Leane, because maximalist jewellery goes way be-
yond what you actually need. Maximalism can be for men,
too—so we compare an 18th-century embroidered French
coat to an English minimal coat.
I personally embraced maximalism with ethnic dressing
and historical thrift store fi nds in the 1970s, which was actu-
ally a more minimalist decade for American fashion. I had
big colourful dresses by Yves Saint Laurent and wild pat-
terns by Stephen Sprouse. One of the most maximalist piec-
es in my wardrobe is a dress by Sacai I fell in love with when
I saw it on the runway. I also collect elaborate pieces of eth-
nic Indian and Moroccan jewellery.
Maximalism is built so strongly on the Indian aesthetic of
colour and pattern. You certainly see this throughout Indian
textile history, decorative arts, crafts and a clientele that is
unafraid of this. In the West, it was typically the women
dressing up, but traditionally Indian men have also been
dressing up. We are now seeing this with Gucci in their em-
broidered men’s suits.
You have to whole-heartedly embrace maximalism. It’s
not about mixing just two colours, it is about mixing fi ve, six,
seven colours. It’s not about wearing a few pieces of jewel-
lery. It’s about wearing half a dozen necklaces, or as many as
you can wear. Or walking in enormous Noritaka Tatehana
shoes that look like mythical creatures, 15 inches off the
ground, that make people scream, “How can anybody wear
that?” Remember, even the most minimalist person can be
lured with maximal accessories that speak for them.”
—As told to Rishna Shah ■

Minimalism/Maximalism is on till November 16, 2019, at
The Museum at FIT

What is maximalism?

American fashion curator Valerie Steele—‘fashion’s brainiest woman’,
author of several books and museum director at the Fashion Institute of
Technology for over two decades—has the answer


















tells us all

“A fl oor-length dress by
Giorgio Armani from

  1. A tartan look by
    Comme des Garçons
    from 2017 that is
    basically a giant square!”
    But my favourite is a
    fl oral multi-pattern
    ensemble by Richard
    Quinn. It’s both pretty
    and subversive.”

“We tend to think
of maximalism
as superfi cial and
minimalism as
intellectual. But this is
not necessarily true.
Maximalism may not
take itself seriously,
but it is not without

“We live in a
maximalist society.
We’re all connected
via social media...
and bombarded with
information. We are
overstimulated, and
this begins to express
itself in fashion.”

“Growing up I
detested the ’80s,
and now I love it. It
was an era so over the
top. The silhouettes,
the self-confi dence
of that period—a lot
of our contemporary
understanding of
maximalism stems
from this decade.”

“The exhibition
moments of fashion
maximalism with
fashion minimalism.
It borrows from the
idea ‘for every action
there is an equal and
opposite reaction.’”

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