Vogue India June 2019

(Dana P.) #1









1,2. Bendet strikes a yoga pose 3. StaceFace made with a bowl of fruits 4.
Bendet with her daughters Athena, Scarlet and Eloise 5. Bell-bottom pants
and ’70s styles reign in the designer’s wardrobe 6. Bendet’s plant-based vegan
diet that includes quinoa, fresh vegetables and rice 7. The designer with her
book stack 8. Alice + Olivia x Jean-Michel Basquiat 9. Alice + Olivia x The
Beatles collection 10. A painting of Bendet’s daughters by Julian Schnabel

girls, Eloise, 10, Scarlet
who’s eight, and Athena
is three. Eloise is this
intense fi recracker, a
ball of energy with long
red hair who loves
horseback rides and
gymnastics and chal-
lenges everyone around
her. Scarlet is like a
Buddha, so calm and
sweet. The baby is just
a ham—all she wants to
do is make everyone
laugh. Schnabel painted this beautiful
enamel-like work of them, which
looks like an old Goya.”

“Pants! I was hunting for curtain fab-
ric one day and saw this crazy striped
upholstery and thought it would make
the coolest pants. I worked with a pat-
tern maker, and that became our bell-
bottom pant. First, I just made them
for myself, then everyone wanted
some. When we launched and my
pants were on mannequins at Barneys,
it still didn’t feel real. That was 17
years ago!”

“The latest collection has butterfl y

prints—it’s so romantic
and special! Anything
rainbow I pretty much
love. There’s bordeaux
skirts with layers of
pleated taffeta and an
all-white puffer and
feathered skirt that I love.”

“My love for vintage fashion started
when my grandmother, a crazy collec-
tor of vintage, took me to fl ea markets.
As I started designing, I gravitated to-
wards the ’70s aesthetic. I have some
amazing pieces collected over years of
shopping through vintage dealers, col-
lectors, auctions and shows. My fa-
vourites are some Thea Porter couture
pieces and a couture Alexander Mc-
Queen ribbon dress from the late ’90s.
It’s art.”

“My friend reopened the Villa Tre
Ville in Positano, a magical place that

was originally the
home of legendary fi lm
director Franco Zef-
fi relli. You can just feel
all the creative energy
of the past. I like to ex-
perience a culture on
holiday instead of sipping cocktails by
the pool, but I’ve learnt to be more
chilled out with three children. We
have homes in Aspen and Malibu,
where we go for the summer, and we
love Hawaii and Punta Mita. I’m go-
ing to take a solo trip to Marrakech
and also to Mysore to do ashtanga.”

“After we had Eloise we started work-
ing with the Ronald McDonald house
(a charity for hospitalised children). I
feel so lucky to have three healthy chil-
dren. As a company, for around 10
years we’ve thrown their annual Hal-
loween party. We supply the costumes,
do the decor, get all the kids and fami-
lies dressed —it’s really special.” ■

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