Vogue India June 2019

(Dana P.) #1

190 VOGUE INDIA JUNE  http://www.vogue.in


thick and thin

Through the ages, hair
has occupied the place
of “crowning glory” in
a woman’s relationship
with notions of beauty.
But what’s more
important than the
length of the mane is the
strength of the woman
behind it. Tahira Kashyap
Khurrana ponders
over her ever-evolving
relationship with her hair

I have always been a long-hair girl. I
had a deep relationship with my hair
because of general conditioning and be-
cause of my own obsession with long
hair. I have always had long hair, and
along with the perfect long hair some
long perfect complexes, too! We all
have complexes, and what I’ve just re-
alised is that they have nothing to do
with our efforts to attain perfec-
tion—they’re about our life state.
You could have the perfect hour-
glass fi gure and long, beautiful
hair, but if the mind is warped hap-
piness remains an illusion.
A few years ago, I had major hair
fall issues and was doing the rounds
of doctors, and it was driving me
nuts. And here I am, the same per-
son, who actually went bald! I
have come a long way. But I can
honestly say that I am happier
today. Today, I attribute happi-
ness to other amazing things in
my life—cherishing what I

have gives me more happiness than
brooding over losing hair. And with
the kind of love I have been showered
with, my heart is full of gratitude.

Haircuts are transformative, and in
my case it wasn’t just a haircut, it was
a shaved head. And I don’t know if it’s
the hair or the cancer, but I have start-
ed looking at life through a different
prism altogether.
When I got diagnosed with cancer I
wasn’t sure if I would be able to share
it with people. But when I was told by
a few close relatives to keep it quiet,
and a few doctors explained to me the
plight of many patients who were de-
nied a mammogram by their own rela-
tives or because they were too ashamed
to get themselves examined, I knew
this was going to be my mission! Early
breast cancer awareness is needed
along with the message of self-love. I,
too, got a wig or two made and bought
headscarves because of the pressure of
what we consider beautiful. When my
hair fall became really bad, I started
wearing hair extensions along with a
cap. But then one day I was just done.
And I decided to go bald. The fi rst per-
son I shared my picture with was my
husband, who said, ‘Wow!’

Each time before leaving home I would
put my cap on and take it off when
home. If we were having visitors, my
son would go running to fetch my cap;
he was feeding off my energy and the
desire to be normal. And the day I
shaved my head he was shocked, but
when he saw my happy face that’s the
energy he began to feed off. I’d like to
think I have redefi ned beauty or ‘nor-
mal’ for my son.
And now I can say I have enjoyed my
long hair, my buzzed head and even
now, how my hair looks as it’s growing
back. Each week, I enjoy a new look
and the best part is I am happy with
myself. All I can say to other women is
that each one of us is special, so follow
your own path and redefi ne beauty by
fi rst falling in love with yourself... ■
—As told to Chandni Sehgal

Since being diagnosed
with cancer, Tahira
Kashyap Khurrana has
been using her voice
to spread awareness
about the illness


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