The Boston Globe - 17.10.2019

(Ron) #1

C8 The Boston Globe THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019

For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to

For more information on today’s conditions, call the
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site

Eastern Massachusetts air quality

50 100 150 200 300


Allergies Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Trees Weeds Grass Mold

Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.

Absent Low Low N.A.

Small craft advisory
Gale warningStorm warning

●Travel delays possible,CClouds,FFog,HHaze,IIce,PcPartly Cloudy,RRain,ShShowers,SSun,SnSnow,FlFlurries,TThunderstorms,WWindy

Boston’s forecast

Temperatures are
today’s highs
and tonight’s lows.

Mount Washington


Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.

Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp


Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow

Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions

TODAY:Winds will be locally damaging as a storm brings
more rain to the area. Gusts will reach 60 mph in some
places causing power outages.
TOMORROW:It will be brisk and chilly, but not
nearly as windy across New England. The wind will
EXTENDED:High pressure will provide a
beautiful weekend across New England.
Sunday will be the warmer of the two
weekend days.

New England forecast

Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.

High tides
Old Orchard ME 1:44 1:51
Beach NH 1:58 2:05
Plum Island 2:14 2:26
Ipswich 1:43 1:50

Gloucester 2:01 2:09
Marblehead 2:01 2:09
Lynn 2:02 2:11
Scituate 2:00 2:10
Plymouth 2:08 2:21
Cape Cod
Canal East 1:47 1:57
Cape Cod
Canal West 12:45
Falmouth 1:45 1:53

Hyannis Port 3:13 3:11
Chatham 2:50 2:50
Wellfleet 2:15 2:23
Provincetown 2:08 2:18
Harbor 3:12 3:12
Oak Bluffs 2:16 2:29
New Bedford 10:3711:08
Newport RI 10:3011:01

Boston high 2:01 2:09
Height 9.5 10.1
Boston low 8:02 8:32
Height 0.9 0.2

Weather Dense fog
Visibility 1/4 of a mile
Wind south-southeast at 41 m.p.h.
High/low temperature 35/28
Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0”

(5 p.m. yesterday)

Yesterday’s high/low 63°/46°
Sunrise 6:59 a.m.
Sunset 6:00 p.m.
Moonrise 8:25 p.m.

Yesterday 0.00”
Precip days in October 10

Month to date 0.98”
Norm. month to date 2.04”

Year to date 37.47”
Norm. year to date 34.10”

(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)

Forecasts and graphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc.©2019

Boston Harbor SW 20-35 kts. 4-8 ft. 57/48
East Cape
Cod Canal SW 30-50 kts. 4-8 ft. 57/45
Buzzards Bay SW 30-45 kts. 5-9 ft. 57/45

Vineyard W 30-50 kts. 10-16 ft. 58/46
Nantucket SW 30-50 kts. 10-16 ft. 58/47
Provincetown SW 30-50 kts. 8-14 ft. 56/48

Atlanta 68/48 Pc 72/54 Pc
Atlantic City 61/47 Pc 63/38 S
Charlotte 67/40 S 70/45 S
Chicago 55/39 Pc 60/48 Pc
Dallas 76/54 Pc 80/64 S
Denver 81/46 Pc 64/34 Pc
Detroit 54/38 Pc 55/41 S
Fort Myers 88/74 Pc 88/77 C

Los Angeles 77/58 Pc 80/58 Pc
Miami 91/76 Pc 90/78 T
New Orleans 73/66 C 77/66 T
New York City 58/50 C 60/44 S
Philadelphia 59/49 Pc 62/42 S
Phoenix 95/66 S 86/61 S
Salt Lake City 72/41 Pc 60/40 C
San Francisco 68/53 Pc 67/51 S

Seattle 58/48 R 55/48 R
Washington 62/48 Pc 65/44 S
Beijing 59/45 C 65/45 Pc
Cancun 88/79 Pc 89/78 Pc
Mexico City 66/57 T 72/55 T
Montreal 48/44 R 52/37 C
Toronto 51/41 Sh 53/35 Pc
Vancouver 55/48 R 53/45 R

Jerusalem 79/63 S 77/62 Pc
London 59/49 Sh 60/48 C
Moscow 62/48 Pc 56/48 C
Paris 61/53 Sh 61/52 Pc
Rome 73/53 Pc 72/54 Pc
San Juan 88/79 Pc 87/79 Sh
Stockholm 48/45 Sh 54/47 Sh
Tokyo 68/62 Pc 66/64 C



6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Not nearly as windy,
but there will be a cool
breeze with sunshine
returning. It will turn
clear and nearly calm during the
nighttime hours.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

A beautiful start to
the weekend as high
pressure provides plenty
of sunshine and light
winds. It will be mostly clear
and chilly at night.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Turning a bit warmer
with sunshine and a few
clouds. Mostly cloudy
during the night and a
shower cannot be ruled out later
at night.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

More clouds than
sunshine. A shower or
two are possible as low
pressure swirls offshore.
Cloudy with showers more likely
at night.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Very windy with clouds
and a few lingering
showers. Winds will gust
to 50 mph in town, 60
mph at the South Coast and
Cape. Power outages.




In today’s deal (reported by Barry Rigal) from the Life
Master Pairs in Las Vegas, South’s bold overcall kept East-
West from finding their spade fit.
North’s raise to three clubs looks odd to me and could
have turned a plus into a minus, but West led the queen
and a second spade. Declarer, Glenn Milgrim, ruffed,
passed the queen of trumps, led a trump to the ace and
ruffed a spade. He took the K-A of hearts, ruffed dummy’s
and cash his high trump, but then he had to lead a dia-
mond from his jack. Making three.
It was suggested that East would prevail by overtaking
the queen of spades to shift to a diamond, saving West
from the end play. In fact, South fails if East leads anything
but a spade at Trick Two. South will lack the entries to ruff
all of dummy’s spades, and West will retain an exit card at
the end.
The winning defense is a subtle example of not helping
declarer, in any way, when dummy is flat and weak.

DAILYQUESTIONYouhold:♠ 9753 ♥♥A872♦♦10 7 2
♣A 7. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one
heart, he bids two clubs and you try two diamonds. Partner
then bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER:This case is closer than it may look. Your two dia-
monds suggested at most nine points, but partner bid again
anyway. He has a strong hand short in spades, and you
have two aces. To jump to four diamonds would be reason-
able. Partner may hold 4, K Q 6, A K 9 8 4, K J 5 4.



West East
♥♥ ♥♥
♦♦ ♦♦



West dealer — N-S vulnerable

10 7 2

Q J 10 6



West North East South
1 ♦♦ Pass 1♥♥ 2 ♣
Pass 3 ♣(!) All Pass
Opening lead —♠Q



8791 4 3 625

643 7 2 5 891
5 984 6 7 231
7 4 1 932 8 5 6
6 3 2 5 1 8 4 7 9
53867 1 9 4 2
1 52794 6 8 3
8 2 4 396 5 1 7
day, Oct. 17, 2019:
This year, you will feel more in
than you have for a long time.
You will draw someone very dif-
ferent, perhaps a foreigner. Re-
lating to this person will help
open new doors. If single, you
could form a romantic bond with
this person. If attached, travel
appears more likely than it has in
the recent past. You also might
see your in-laws more often. A
GEMINI plays a fun role in your
life. You laugh more often if they
are around. Be open to a differ-
ent approach and style.
ARIES(March 21-April 19)
Speak your mind but understand
where others are coming from.
You can be fiery in response with
a key person or vice versa. Touch
base with a loved one who often
walks to a different tune. To-
night: Speak up.
TAURUS(April 20-May 20)
Be aware of your limits when
dealing with a money matter.
Others might not agree with your
perspective and let you know.
Hold back until you have a great-
er perspective than you do at
present. Tonight: Squeeze in
some exercise.
GEMINI(May 21-June 20)
Allow greater flow and under-
standing between you and a
child or a new friend. Ideas seem
to pop up out of nowhere. You
feel as if you have a muse on your
shoulder right now. Tonight: Go
with the natural flow of the mo-
CANCER(June 21-July 22)
Basics count, but you might not
be willing to share anything
more. Keeping certain details to
yourself might feel smart, but ul-
timately it might not work to
root out a problem. A domestic
issue easily could appear out of
the blue. Tonight: Stay centered.
LEO(July 23-Aug. 22)
You will speak your mind and
others will listen carefully. If you
ever wanted to make your point
to others, now is the time. A
meeting or a group of friends
seem very open to discussion. To-
night: Get together with friends.
VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You shine at work or in the pub-
lic eye. Others nearly follow your
lead but could be hesitant for
personal reasons. Open up dis-
cussions. You will understand
where others are coming from.
Still, you will naturally take the
lead. Tonight: Out on the town.
LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You could be unusually tired and
withdrawn, but try to stay fo-
cused. Your sense of humor
emerges, and silliness could pop
up out of nowhere. Do not be in-
timidated by another person's
news. Tonight: Be a duo.
SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Defer to another person, know-
ing full well what is too much to
take on for a project. One-on-one
relating draws strong responses
from others. Listen to a variety of
ideas whether they work for you
or not. Tonight: Go with a sug-
SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Defer to others when you realize
enough is enough. Be more in
tune with your long-term desires.
A partner or close associate plays
an important role in what oc-
curs. Be wise and defer to this
person. Tonight: Think weekend.
CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Pace yourself and get as much
done as possible. You could be ir-
ritable because of a situation that
dominates you at work or in an-
other milieu. Stay centered and
take charge of what you can han-
dle. Tonight: Make it early.
AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Your fun spirit takes you down
an interesting route. While oth-
ers could be touchy or snappy,
you seem light and easy. Use
your creativity to make a point
and help another person relax.
Tonight: Let fun in.
PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20)
Tension builds around your
home and family. You could have
a case of the grumps or a situa-
tion could be disagreeable. No
matter what, tame your words in
discussions. You do not want to
create any long-term damage.
Tonight: Order in.
Jacqueline Bigar is at http://www.jac-
(c) 2019 by King Features Syndi-
cate Inc.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
computer program at
6 87
815 3
6 98
2 3
7 4 1
9 86 3
3 2 1
1 5 2

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