Fortune USA - 11.2019

(Michael S) #1
AI World |


access to data and insights is key to right-sizing
efforts, making smart decisions, and staying ahead
of markets’ and customers’ ever-changing
demands. As a result, 83% of them now consider
artifi cial intelligence (A.I.)–based ventures a strategic
priority that helps fuel sustainable innovation and
growth, according to Boston Consulting Group.
In fact, the market for these high-tech tools is

poised to top $97.9 billion in 2023, per
International Data Corporation’s (IDC)
Worldwide Artifi cial Intelligence Systems
Spending Guide. But fewer than a quar-
ter of global organizations have started
their digital transformation journeys. For
them, the time to start investing in A.I.
is now.
“A.I. is becoming a must-have to stay
competitive,” explains Gavin Day, senior
vice president of technology at analytics
front-runner SAS, a visual-data-mining
and machine-learning solutions fi rm. “All
major industries—from banking to health
care, retail to government—are adopting
machine-learning technologies. Not only
do A.I.-powered solutions allow enter-
prises to better assess the data they’re
collecting from end users and transform
it into actionable intelligence, these tools
also allow for major productivity and
process improvements.”
But just how are A.I. and machine-learning solu-
tions transforming tomorrow’s marketplace from
a day-to-day business standpoint? The answers
may be surprising. For example, smart technology
solutions are now enabling health care providers
to quickly scan millions of medical charts and test
results for anomalies or patterns, helping pioneer
the next wave of threat prevention and treatment
procedures. Likewise, they’re empowering insurance
companies, hospitals, and physicians to reduce the
time and cost required to diagnose patients and
steer them toward optimal care and treatment.
Government leaders are using these tools to
automate routine tasks, such as data entry and
form processing, and identify areas ripe for process
improvements. They’re also using these solutions to
power smart cities that can self-regulate responses
to energy usage, adverse weather conditions, or
even the fl ow of everyday traffi c. In addition, emer-
gency relief workers use these high-tech solutions to
gain crucial insights that allow them to free up limited
resources for more mission-critical activities.
As business leaders in every fi eld are realizing,
any area of operations that involves analyzing large
amounts of data or juggling routine and repetitive
tasks is ready for A.I.-powered disruption. “These
[types of] solutions can free people up from having to
spend large amounts of time on mundane tasks and
reinvest it in doing what they do best—being creative
and fi nding smarter ways to apply business insights
in context,” SAS’ Day says.


Using Artificial

Intelligence to Power

Better Business


From managing inventory and supply chain

logistics to enhancing HR and customer service

operations, process automation and machine

learning can give enterprises the tools they

need to stay ahead of the curve.

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