
(Tuis.) #1
NOVEMBER 2019 21



'As a new fiction publisher accepting both agented and
unsolicited manuscripts, at Boldwood Books we have been
overwhelmed with support and enthusiasm from the writing
community since we launched on 1 February. So it does
take something special to stand out from the crowd.
'On my first day at the new office, I received a submission
from Lina Langlee (Kate Nash Literary Agency) – The
Daughter In Law, a contemporary psychological thriller
from debut author Nina Manning. I had already come
across Nina on social media (always a good sign!) through
her podcast, Sniffing The Pages. The pitch from Lina was
compelling, and within a couple of days she already had
interest from other publishers – another good sign...
'It's worth flagging here how valuable it is to have a
commercial hook to your novel. Not only does it help when
pitching to a publisher, but it is vitally important when it comes
to marketing, especially in such a competitive marketplace.
Just from the pitch for The Daughter In Law I could visualise a
striking package that would get readers talking.
'At Boldwood we are committed to bringing excellent
storytelling to a global audience, so this is a major
consideration for me. The Daughter In Law is a vivid,
gripping page-turner but it also touches on universal themes
that will resonate with a wide audience – family, love and
grief. This, coupled with a memorable, sinister voice in an
eerie, claustrophobic setting meant that Nina’s novel jumped
off the page.
'We want to invest in our authors and build long-term
partnerships together. I was delighted to offer a three-book
contract to Nina. She is going to be a future star of this
genre and we’re thrilled to have her as part of our Boldwood
launch list.'

Nia Beynon

Publisher at
Boldwood Books

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