(Marcin) #1

50 gm unsalted butter, at room
150 gm caster sugar
2 sheets (375gm each) butter
puf pastry (see note), each
cut into 6 squares
6 ripe nectarines, halved and
stones removed
12 thyme sprigs, plus extra
to serve
3 vanilla beans, split
lengthways, then halved
Juice of 2 lemons
375 ml (1½ cups) milk
600 ml pouring cream
100 gm ginger, thinly sliced
Peeled rind of ½ lemon
12 egg yolks
160 gm caster sugar

1 For custard, stir milk and
cream in a saucepan, then
add ginger and lemon rind.
Warm gently over low heat,
but don’t allow it to come to
a simmer. Remove from heat,
cover with a tight-fitting lid, and
leave to infuse (30 minutes).
Whisk yolks and caster sugar
in a bowl until pale and creamy,
add a little infused milk mixture,
whisk to combine, then add yolk
mixture to remaining infused
milk in pan. Stir continuously
over low heat until custard
coats the back of a spoon
(10-12 minutes). Remove from
heat and pass through a fine
sieve. Cover directly with
plastic wrap and chill (reheat
custard before serving).
2 Preheat oven to 180°C.
Divide butter and sugar
between 2 large ovenproof

Nectarine tarte Tatin with vanilla and thyme


“One of our most requested desserts at Fleet is my fennel tarte Tatin,”
says Lewis. “I’ve made many variations over the years, but this one,
made with nectarines, is one of my favourites. You can quite easily
adapt this recipe to make one large tarte, but for the sake of the
caramelised-pastry-to-fruit ratio I’ve made them individual.”

frying pans, rubbing together
with fingers until combined.
Wrap puf pastry squares around
the round sides of nectarine
halves, tucking excess into the
holes in the centre, then place
cut-side down on top of butter
mixture in pans, tucking a sprig
of thyme and a piece of vanilla
underneath each. Add a splash
of water to the base of each
pan – this will create a delicious
caramel to spoon over while
baking. Heat pans over medium
heat until liquid starts to boil,
then reduce heat to medium
and cook until liquidjust starts
to turn golden (3-4 minutes).
Transfer pans to oven and bake,
basting occasionally, until pastry
is dark golden (22-25 minutes).
Cool briefly, then serve, cut-side
up, topped with a sprig of thyme
and with reheated ginger
custard on the side.
NoteWe use Carême puf
pastry, which comes in 375gm
sheets. If it’s unavailable,
substitute another good
butter puf pastry.
Drink suggestionAmaro
Montenegro on ice or
Eric Bordelet Poire Granit
pear cider.●
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