
(Tuis.) #1
wfmag.cc \ 65

ʾerbal ˆpace ˃rogram is still harder than actual space Ђight

ith the announcement of
a sequel coming our way,
the dried-out old husk of an
excitement gland actually
started to Tuiver a bit.
It’s happening, and it’s going to be great.
8nless it’s terrible, but I won’t accept that as a
possible outcome. Anyway, inevitably this leads
to the desire to go back to one of nature’s finest
ever games: Kerbal Space Program. And going
back to it leads to the discovery
that, while I had learned a
fair bit about the game in the
years following its 2015 (full)
release, I’ve since forgotten
it all. Kerbal might look cutesy,
but it is harsh.
Actually, considering the accurate simulation
of real-world (and out of this world) physics,
it’s a bit rich calling it harsh. ȆTrue’ would be a
better descriptor. 6ee, Kerbal has you building
up a space program – the clue is very much
in the name – and while you can go through a
campaign mode of sorts, managing money and
achieving goals of exploring your solar system,
what I wanted to go back to was the professional
mucking about bit the sandbox. This mode
removes the need for money and research,
instead Must letting you run free with all the off-
brand NA6A eTuipment you need.
6tep one build the rocket. I’m keen to get
back into Kerbal with something more on the
ambitious side of things – I’d been through the
baby steps of making tiny rockets, getting them
to the stratosphere, manoeuvring a bit, then

safely bringing my people back to the safety of
the ground. That’s boring. Alright, it’s not, it’s
absolutely brilliant. The point I’m making is that
I wanted to show off to myself and to you, dear
readers, that I’m able to remember how to do
things, and apply some general physics-based
knowledge to anything I might apply myself to.
Physics is straightforward, right?
The rocket was built, a series of large boosters
engaging in two stages to offer the most
propulsion possible from the
ground – exactly where it’s
needed the most. A third-
stage engine to give that final
push out of the atmosphere.
Trinkets and scientific
eTuipment, auto stabilisers, and
other such luxury compute-o-parts to make the
whole thing go without a hitch. It was a beaut.
Alright, it was really ugly, but the parts were
there, they would work, and they would throw
me back into Kerbal with a head start.
Naturally, I’d forgotten a crew module so had
no way of controlling the rocket, so it wouldn’t
take off. 2ne Tuick fix later and we’re there
at ground control, counting down the launch.
6tability support on, thrust at maximum, three,
two, oneȐ blast off... oh. The precariously
balanced fuel tanks atop the rocket’s side
boosters had bent inward on take-off, colliding
with the main body and exploding spectacularly.
The launch was an absolute, catastrophic failure
and would need some serious redesign to even
get off the ground to begin with. Kerbal Space
Program is an astoundingly good game.


“The launch
was an absolute,

To infinity...

and explode Universe Sandbox^2
Education might be its
intention, but the universe
physics simulation
encountered here lets you
crash planets into each other.
So, really, that’s all you end
up doing.

Bridge Constructor
Bridge Constructor might
have started out with serious
intentions, and its physics are
sound, but the Portal spin-off
really grasps what makes the
series fun. Failing, basically.

Euro Truck
Simulator 2
The one everyone always
wants to laugh at – until
they play it. Euro Truck
Simulator 2 is bewildering in
just how much it can take over
your free time, given half the
chance. Absolutely compulsive.


To infinity... and explode

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