Techlife News - 05.10.2019

(Wang) #1

stores to servers - is now powered by 100%
renewable energy. And that’s not a new thing

  • Apple has been powering its data centers with
    100% renewable energy since 2014, and since
    2011, the firm’s renewable energy projects have
    reduced greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) by
    54 percent from its facilities worldwide and
    prevented nearly 2.1 million metric tons of CO2e
    from entering the atmosphere.

Apple’s latest venture is called the China
Clean Energy Fund, a first-of-its-kind
investment fund in China that connects
suppliers with renewable energy projects.
Apple and ten of its Chinese suppliers have
promised to invest an eye-watering $300
million by 2022 to develop projects totaling

1 gigawatt of renewable energy, with three
wind farms in Hunan and Hubei already able
to generate approximately one-tenth of the
anticipated overall project total. Lisa Jackson,
Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy
and Social Initiatives, said that seeing the project
completed was “really exciting” and that Apple
was “proud that suppliers participating in the
fund share our commitment to supporting
innovative energy solutions, cutting emissions
and fighting climate change.” At a time when
the company is facing significant trade
challenges with China, it’s great to see that its
commitment to the environment stands head
and shoulders above its profit margins, putting
the planet and its customers first.
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