Techlife News - 05.10.2019

(Wang) #1


Alongside its commitment to green energy,
Apple has increasingly been extending its
efforts into its own hands - creating greener
products for consumers. Indeed, Apple’s new
Macs are made from 100% recycled aluminum
to give material from iPhones and iPads a
second life. Whilst standard recycled aluminum
accumulates impurities each time it’s recycled,
Apple painstakingly designed a new alloy that
can be recycled over and over again without
losing important qualities, effectively meaning
that iPhones, iPads, and Macs can be recycled
continuously with components being reused
time and time again for new devices.

In its most recent devices such as the iPhone
11 Pro, Apple uses 100% recycled tin for
the solder in the logic board, more than 40
components used in the devices are made from

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