The Drawing Club

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22 The Drawing Club


Kung Fu, china marker on paper, Fred Warter

The Paratrooper, ink and wash on paper, Bob Kato

1980s Fashion, ink on paper, Rich Tuzon

Detective, ink on paper, Bob Kato

The texture in the sound an instrument makes feels a lot
like the texture your drawing tool makes. I think of the smooth,
refined lines in an Ingres pencil portrait drawing, and beautiful
classical music just pops into my head. But when I look at the
rough, scratchy, skipping lines in a Ralph Steadman drawing
from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I immediately hear the
buzzing in my ears from great early 1970s rock music. Texture
is a powerful tool in drawing because it is so good at conveying

At The Drawing Club, we carefully select music appropriate
to the character and theme to set the right mood. We can evoke
Studio 54 circa 1979 one week and the circus the next with the
help of a good playlist.
As you look at the drawings in this chapter, do certain songs
or types of music come to mind?
Do you listen to music when you draw? Do you always listen
to the same music, or do you change it to set a specific mood?
Try changing up your music, and see if it changes the mood of
your drawing.

Club Tips
■■■Don’t get too caught up in the importance of technique. You don’t have to impress everyone with
your skills to make a good drawing.
■■Try changing up your music, and see if it changes the mood of your drawing.
Taking sToCk
■■Have you tried working outside your comfort zone?
■■Have you thought about what you are setting out to do?
■■Are you more concerned with storytelling or technical accuracy?

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The Paratrooper, ink and wash on paper, Bob Kato

Chapter 1: What Is a Good Drawing?

At The Drawing Club, we carefully select music appropriate
to the character and theme to set the right mood. We can evoke
Studio 54 circa 1979 one week and the circus the next with the
help of a good playlist.
As you look at the drawings in this chapter, do certain songs
or types of music come to mind?
Do you listen to music when you draw? Do you always listen
to the same music, or do you change it to set a specific mood?
Try changing up your music, and see if it changes the mood of
your drawing.

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#175 Dtp:204 Page:23

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